The Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems Study Section (MABS) reviews applications concerned with the development of modeling/enabling technologies for understanding the complexity of biological systems. The scope of these systems ranges from molecular, to supramolecular, to genes, to organelles, to cellular, to tissue and to organ level studies.

The Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems Study Section (MABS) reviews applications concerned with the integration of computational modeling and analytical experimentation to understand complex biological systems. The scope of these systems covers the full range of biological scales from the molecular to the population level, and the content is inclusive across broad biological domains. Both hypothesis-driven and data-driven applications are considered.

The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.

Review Dates

Membership Panel

The membership panel is a list of chartered members only.


  • Formal modeling methods: development of computational and analytical approaches for model construction, analysis, and validation / testing in biological systems; multi-omics data collection and integration for modeling
  • Development and adaptation of mathematical methods and models for biological systems: deterministic and stochastic methods, discrete and continuous methods, dynamical systems analysis, numerical methods, probabilistic methods including Bayesian inference, mechanistic and phenomenological modeling, spatial and temporal analysis
  • Multi-scale modeling: micro, meso, and macro scale integration of biological systems from the molecular to population levels; computational simulation of biological processes
  • Systems biology: reductionist and integrative approaches; graph theory analysis and biological networks; integrated experimentation and computational modeling at the systems level
  • Synthetic biology: biological circuit design; engineering systems and control theory; network motif and pathway analysis
  • Physical biology: biological signal processing
  • Biomechanics from the motor protein to the musculoskeletal level: biological fluid dynamics and fluid structure interaction analysis

Shared Interests

There are shared interests with the Biodata Management and Analysis Study Section (BDMA) study section. Data science applications that develop computational modeling or bioengineering simulation tools may be assigned to MABS. Applications that focus on general aspects of biological data handling, manipulation, software development, or focus on omics visualization may be assigned to BDMA.

There are shared interests with the Genomics, Computational Biology and Technology Study Section (GCAT) study section. Applications that integrate multiple data types across biological scale for predictive modeling may be assigned to MABS. Applications that focus on discovery mining of data sets may be assigned to GCAT.

There are shared interests in proteomic/metabolomic approaches and systems biology of regulatory networks with Cellular Signaling and Regulatory Systems (CSRS).  Applications that emphasize mathematical models of cell signaling and regulatory networks are reviewed in MABS. Applications that emphasize the underlying molecular biology, and quantitative or analytical aspects are reviewed in CSRS. 

There are shared interests in the areas of mathematical and computer modelling with Advancing Therapeutics (ATA). Applications which focus on the early development of the modeling are reviewed in MABS. Applications which seek to apply the modeling for investigation of combination chemotherapy using small molecules and other modalities for cancer therapy are reviewed in ATA.


Last updated: 09/24/2024 06:10