Dr. Devaiah Ballachanda

Dr. Devaiah Ballachanda

Scientific Review Officer


Division of Translational and Clinical Sciences DTCS
Review Branch:
Integrative Vascular Biology and Hematology IVBH

Dr. Devaiah Ballachanda earned his Master’s degree in Biotechnology from the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, and his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Purdue University. He was a researcher in the intramural program of the National Cancer Institute for over 15 years. Dr. Ballachanda’s research at the NIH focused on characterizing critical components of gene regulatory mechanisms involved in cancer and immune responses. His work revealed the novel enzymatic activities and pleiotropic functions of several key players in transcriptional and chromatin regulation, as well as their modulatory mechanisms. His research reformed dogma by uncovering novel mechanisms regulating RNA polymerase II activity, crosstalk among kinases involved in transcription, and localized chromatin decompaction to facilitate transcription. His findings were recognized as milestones in cancer research at the National Cancer Institute's Center for Cancer Research (CCR). Dr. Ballachanda also served as a reviewer and editor for several scientific journals. 


Last updated: 11/19/2024 10:37