Evaluating Panel Quality in Review (ENQUIRE)

Science changes rapidly. Making sure that study sections change with the science is an ongoing challenge. CSR ENQUIRE integrates data and input from multiple stakeholders to determine whether changes in study section focus or scope are needed to facilitate the identification of high impact science, with special consideration of emerging science.
Words from Dr. Noni Byrnes, CSR Director
January 2020 NICHD Advisory Council meeting
7 minute video
ENQUIRE Overview
Clusters of study sections are formed based on
scientific topics (instead of CSR managerial
units) for review via ENQUIRE
Systematic, data-driven, continuous process
~20% of CSR study sections are evaluated each
year, every study section evaluated every 5
Stakeholder input and involvement
External scientific community, extramural
programs at NIH, CSR staff
Iterative Approach
Continuous refinement of the process based on
Critical to success
Matching referral of applications and reviewer
expertise to redefined scientific scope of study

Multiple Possible Actions Follow
- Change in scientific guidelines
- Merge study sections
- Create new study sections
- Redistribute areas across study sections
- Add emerging areas of science
- Eliminate study sections
Cluster Formation
External Scientific Evaluation Panel
- current scientific guidelines
- sample abstracts & aims
- data on workload trends, bibliometric output, ESI submission and success rates
Internal Process Evaluation Panel
- workload data
- scoring trends
- survey feedback from reviewers & program officers
- site-visit information on meeting function
- External Scientific Working Group’s report
- CSR Advisory Council
- NIH Office of the Director
Implementation by CSR
- Test practicality of new guidelines through mock application referral
- Reassignment of standing study section members to fit guidelines of new study sections
- Publicize new study sections to the community
- Monitor referral & adherence to new guidelines
Clusters Evaluated via ENQUIRE
Clusters Evaluated via ENQUIRE in 2023
Brain Disorders: Clinical, Translational, and Neurotechnology
Study Sections Evaluated (12)
- Acute Neural Injury and Epilepsy ANIE
- Adult Psychopathology and Disorders of Aging APDA
- Aging Systems and Geriatric Study Section ASG
- Bioengineering of Neuroscience, Vision Technologies BNVT
- Clinical Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumors CNBT
- Clinical Neuroscience and Neurodegeneration CNN
- Child Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities CPDD
- Developmental Brain Disorders DBD
- Emerging Imaging Technologies in Neuroscience EITN
- Neural Basis of Psychopathology, Addictions, and Sleep Disorders NPAS
- Noninvasive Neuromodulation and Neuroimaging Technologies ETTN 91
- Vision Imaging, Bioengineering, and Low Vision Technology Development ETTN 81 (BIVT)
Resulting Study Sections (14)
- Adult Lifespan Psychopathology ALP
- Aging Systems and Geriatric Study Section ASG
- Brain Injury and Neurovascular Disorders BIND
- Bioengineering and Tissue Engineering for Neuroscience BTEN
- Cognitive Disorders and Brain Aging CDBA
- Clinical Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumors CNBT
- Clinical Neurodegeneration Translational Neuroscience CNTN
- Child Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities CPDD
- Developmental Brain Disorders DBD
- Imaging and Bioengineering Technology for Visual Systems (recurring SEP) IBV
- Imaging Technologies in Neuroscience ITN
- Neural Basis of Psychopathology, Addictions, and Sleep Disorders NPAS
- Neuro Informatic, Computational and Data Analysis (recurring SEP) NICD
- Neuromodulation and Imaging of Neuronal Circuits NINC
Immunology and Respiratory Systems
Study Sections Evaluated (10)
- Arthritis, Connective Tissue and Skin ACTS
- Cellular and Molecular Immunology A CMIA
- Cellular and Molecular Immunology B CMIB
- Hypersensitivity, Autoimmune, and Immune-mediated Diseases HAI
- Hypersensitivity, Allergies and Mucosal Immunology IIDB (57)
- Innate Immunity and Inflammation III
- Lung Cellular, Molecular, and Immunobiology LCMI
- Lung Injury, Repair, and Remodeling LIRR
- Respiratory Integrative Biology and Translational Research RIBT
- Transplantation, Tolerance and Tumor Immunology TTT
Resulting Study Sections (12)
- Adaptive Immunity AI
- Innate Immunity A ZRG1 IIDA (81)
- Innate Immunity B IIB
- Immune Mechanisms of Hypersensitivity and Allergy IMHA
- Immunobiology of Transplantation and Alloimmunity ITA
- Lung Immunology and Infection LII
- Mechanisms of Autoimmunity MAI
- Molecular and Structural Immunology MSI
- Pulmonary Injury Remodeling and Repair PIRR
- Pulmonary Vascular Disease and Physiology PVP
- Skin and Connective Tissue Sciences SCTS
- Translational Investigations of Pulmonary and Immunological Diseases ZRG1 RCCS (81)
Clusters Evaluated via ENQUIRE in 2022
Drug Synthesis, Discovery, Disposition, and Xenobiotics
Study Sections Evaluated (14)
- Cancer Etiology CE
- Drug Discovery for the Nervous System DDNS
- Drug Discovery and Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance DDR
- Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology DMP
- Developmental Therapeutics DT
- Gene and Drug Delivery Systems GDD
- Nanotechnology NANO
- Synthetic and Biological Chemistry A SBCA
- Synthetic and Biological Chemistry B SBCB
- Systemic Injury by Environmental Exposure SIEE
- Xenobiotic and Nutrient Disposition and Action XNDA
- Topics in Bacterial Pathogenesis ZRG1 AIDC (82)
- Eukaryotic Pathogen Drug Discovery and Resistance ZRG1 AIDC (83)
- PAR Panel: High Throughput Screening ZRG1 BST-F (55)
Resulting Study Sections (14)
- Anti-Infective Resistance and Targets AIRT
- Advancing Therapeutics A ATA
- Advancing Therapeutics ZRG1 MCST (81)
- Chemical Biology & Probes CBP
- Chemical Synthesis & Biosynthesis CSB
- Drug and Biologic Disposition and Toxicity DBDT
- Drug and Biologic Therapeutic Delivery DBTD
- Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology A DMPA
- Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology DCAI (81)
- Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology C DMPC
- Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology B DMPB
- Environmental Determinants of Disease EDD
- Innovations in Nanosystems and Nanotechnology INN
- Nucleic Acid Therapeutic Delivery BBBT (81)
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Study Sections Evaluated (10)
- Bacterial Pathogenesis BACP
- Host Interactions with Bacterial Pathogens HIBP
- Immunity and Host Defense IHD
- Prokaryotic Cell and Molecular Biology PCMB
- Pathogenic Eukaryotes PTHE
- Vector Biology VB
- Vaccines Against Microbial Diseases VMD
- Virology - A VIRA
- Virology - B VIRB
- Topics in Bacterial Pathogenesis ZRG1 IIDA-B 80
Resulting Study Sections (11)
- Bacterial-Host Interactions BHI
- Bacterial Virulence BV
- Immunity and Host Defense IHD
- Interspecies Microbial Interactions and Infections IMII
- Molecular and Cellular Biology of Virus Infection MCV
- Prokaryotic Cell and Molecular Biology PCMB
- Pathogenic Eukaryotes PTHE
- Transmission of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases TVZ
- Viral Dynamics and Transmission VDT
- Vaccines Against Microbial Diseases VID
- Viral Pathogenesis and Immunity VPI
Epidemiology and Population Sciences
Study Sections Evaluated (9)
- Behavioral Genetics and Epidemiology BGES
- Biostatistical Methods and Research Design BMRD
- Cancer, Heart, and Sleep Epidemiology Panel A CHSA
- Cancer, Heart, and Sleep Epidemiology Panel B CHSB
- Clinical Research and Field Studies of Infectious Diseases CRFS
- Genetics of Health and Disease GHD
- Infectious Diseases, Reproductive Health, Asthma and Pulmonary Conditions IRAP
- Kidney, Nutrition, Obesity and Diabetes KNOD
- Neurological, Aging and Musculoskeletal Epidemiology NAME
Resulting Study Sections (13)
- Aging, Injury, Musculoskeletal, and Rheumatologic Disorders AIMR
- Analytics and Statistics for Population Research Panel A ASPA
- Analytics and Statistics for Population Research Panel B ASPB
- Cancer and Hematologic Disorders CHD
- Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases CRD
- Etiology, Diagnostic, Intervention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases EDIT
- Genetics of Health and Disease GHD
- Kidney, Endocrine, and Digestive Disorders KEDD
- Lifestyle and Health Behaviors LHB
- Neurological, Mental and Behavioral Health NMBH
- Population-based Research in Infectious Disease PRID
- Reproductive, Perinatal, and Pediatric Health RPPH
- Social and Environmental Determinants of Health SEDH
Study Sections Evaluated (10)
- Cancer Molecular Pathobiology CAMP
- Cancer Biomarkers CBSS
- Cancer Immunopathology and Immunotherapy CII
- Clinical Oncology CONC
- Mechanisms of Cancer Therapeutics - 1 MCT1
- Mechanisms of Cancer Therapeutics - 2 MCT2
- Molecular Oncogenesis MONC
- Tumor Cell Biology TCB
- Tumor Microenvironment TME
- Tumor Progression and Metastasis TPM
Resulting Study Sections (13)
- Biochemical and Cellular Oncogenesis BCO
- Cancer Cell Biology CCB
- Cellular Immunotherapy of Cancer CIC
- Clinical Oncology CONC
- Gene Regulation in Cancer GRIC
- Molecular Cancer Diagnosis and Classification MCDC
- Mechanisms of Cancer Therapeutics A MCTA
- Mechanisms of Cancer Therapeutics B MCTB
- Mechanisms of Cancer Therapeutics C MCTC
- Tumor Evolution, Heterogeneity and Metastasis TEHM
- Tumor Host Interactions THI
- Translational Immuno-oncology TIO
- Therapeutic Immune Regulation TIR
Clusters Evaluated via ENQUIRE in 2021
Molecular and Cellular Basic Sciences
Study Sections Evaluated (16)
- Biochemistry and Biophysics of Membranes BBM
- Biophysics of Neural Systems BPNS
- Cellular Signaling and Regulatory Systems CSRS
- Membrane Biology and Protein Processing MBPP
- Molecular Genetics A MGA
- Molecular Genetics B MGB
- Molecular and Integrative Signal Transduction MIST
- Molecular Neuropharmacology and Signaling MNPS
- Macromolecular Structure and Function A MSFA
- Macromolecular Structure and Function B MSFB
- Macromolecular Structure and Function C MSFC
- Macromolecular Structure and Function D MSFD
- Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Structure/Function and Dynamics NCSD
- Neurotransporters, Receptors, and Calcium Signaling NTRC
- Prokaryotic Cell and Molecular Biology PCMB
- Synapses, Cytoskeleton and Trafficking SYN
Resulting Study Sections (12)
- Biochemistry and Biophysics of Membranes BBM
- Cell Structure and Function-1 CSF-1
- Cell Structure and Function-2 CSF-2
- Cellular Signaling and Regulatory Systems CSRS
- Molecular Cellular Neuropharmacology MCNP
- Molecular Genetics MG
- Macromolecular Structure and Function A MSFA
- Macromolecular Structure and Function B MSFB
- Macromolecular Structure and Function C MSFC
- Neuronal Communications NC
- Prokaryotic Cell and Molecular Biology PCMB
- Receptor Biology and Signal Transduction RBST
Clusters Evaluated via ENQUIRE in 2019
Healthcare Delivery/Patient Outcomes
Study Sections Evaluated (9)
- Biomedical Computing and Health Informatics BCHI
- Behavioral Medicine: Interventions and Outcomes BMIO
- Community-Level Health Promotion CLHP
- Clinical Management of Patients in Community-based Settings CMPC
- Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health DIRH
- Health Disparities and Equity Promotion HDEP
- Health Services Organization and Delivery HSOD
- Nursing and Related Clinical Sciences NRCS
- Psychosocial Risk and Disease Prevention PRDP
Resulting Study Sections (11)
- Biobehavioral Medicine and Health Outcomes BMHO
- Clinical Data Management and Analysis CDMA
- Clinical Informatics and Digital Health CIDH
- Clinical Management in General Health Care Settings CMGC
- Healthcare and Health Disparities HHD
- Health Promotion in Communities HPC
- Health Services: Quality and Effectiveness HSQE
- Interdisciplinary Clinical Care in Specialty Care Settings ICSC
- Lifestyle Change and Behavioral Health LCBH
- Organization and Delivery of Health Services ODHS
- Science of Implementation in Health and Healthcare SIHH
GI, Renal, Endocrine Systems
Study Sections Evaluated (11)
- Cellular Aspects of Diabetes and Obesity CADO
- Clinical and Integrative Diabetes and Obesity CIDO
- Clinical, Integrative and Molecular Gastroenterology CIMG
- Gastrointestinal Mucosal Pathobiology GMPB
- Hepatobiliary Pathophysiology HBPP
- Integrative Nutrition and Metabolic Processes INMP
- Integrative Physiology of Obesity and Diabetes IPOD
- Kidney Molecular Biology and Genitourinary Organ Development KMBD
- Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology MCE
- Pathobiology of Kidney Disease PBKD
- Urology and Urogynecology ZRG1 DKUS 90
Resulting Study Sections (10)
- Basic Mechanisms of Diabetes and Metabolism BMDM
- Cell Signaling and Molecular Endocrinology CSME
- Digestive System Host Defense, Microbial Interactions and Immune and Inflammatory Disease DHMI
- Digestive and Nutrient Physiology and Diseases DNPD
- Hepatobiliary Pathophysiology HBPP
- Human Studies of Diabetes and Obesity HSDO
- Kidney and Urological Systems Function and Dysfunction KUFD
- Nutrition and Metabolism in Health and Disease NMHD
- Pathobiology of Kidney Disease PBKD
- Pathophysiology of Obesity and Metabolic Disease POMD
Cardiac, Vascular and Hematologic Sciences
Study Sections Evaluated (10)
- Atherosclerosis and Inflammation of the Cardiovascular System AICS
- Cardiac Contractility, Hypertrophy, and Failure CCHF
- Clinical and Integrative Cardiovascular Sciences CICS
- Electrical Signaling, Ion Transport, and Arrhythmias ESTA
- Hemostasis and Thrombosis HT
- Hypertension and Microcirculation HM
- Molecular and Cellular Hematology MCH
- Myocardial Ischemia and Metabolism MIM
- Vascular Cell and Molecular Biology VCMB
- Transfusion Medicine Sep ZRG1 VH-D 55
Resulting Study Sections (8)
- Atherosclerosis and Vascular Inflammation AVI
- Basic Biology of Blood, Heart and Vasculature BBHV
- Clinical Integrative Cardiovascular and Hematological Sciences CCHS
- Hemostasis, Thrombosis, Blood Cells and Transfusion HTBT
- Integrative Vascular Physiology and Pathology IVPP
- Integrative Myocardial Physiology/Pathophysiology A MPPA
- Integrative Myocardial Physiology/Pathophysiology B MPPB
- Therapeutic Development and Preclinical Studies TDPS
Functional/Cognitive Neuroscience
Study Sections Evaluated (12)
- Auditory System AUD
- Biology of the Visual System BVS
- Cognition and Perception CP
- Chemosensory Systems CSS
- Diseases and Pathophysiology of the Visual System DPVS
- Neurobiology of Learning and Memory LAM
- Language and Communication LCOM
- Neuroendocrinology, Neuroimmunology, Rhythms and Sleep NNRS
- Sensory Motor Integration SMI
- Mechanisms of Sensory, Perceptual, and Cognitive Processes SPC
- Somatosensory and Pain Systems SPS
- Ocular Surface, Cornea, Anterior Segment Glaucoma, and Refractive Error Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 BDCN-J 81
Resulting Study Sections (12)
- Auditory Systems AUD
- Biology and Development of the Eye BDE
- Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Neuroimmunology, Rhythms, and Sleep BNRS
- Human Complex Mental Function HCMF
- Language and Communication LCOM
- Learning, Memory and Decision Neuroscience LMDN
- Neuroscience of Basic Visual Processes NBVP
- Neuroscience of Interoception and Chemosensation NIC
- Neurobiology of Pain and Itch NPI
- Pathophysiology of Eye Disease 1 PED1
- Pathophysiology of Eye Disease 2 PED2
- Sensory-Motor Neuroscience SMN
Last updated: 09/29/2023 12:31