Lifestyle and Health Behaviors – LHB

The Lifestyle and Health Behaviors (LHB) study section reviews applications that study lifestyle and health behaviors as factors or processes that contribute to health and disease outcomes using population health or epidemiological approaches. Applications may focus on characterizing lifestyle and health behavioral factors associated with biological and biomedical health outcomes or health states from a population health perspective, including the effects of lifestyle and health behavior-based interventions. Lifestyle and health behaviors can include but are not limited to diet, sleep, physical activity, alcohol, tobacco, and drug use as well as behavioral decision-making and adoption of health-related behaviors. Studies are reviewed with a population health focus, within and across populations, considering inter-group differences in manifestation and consequences of such exposures. Applications that focus on the pathophysiology or the underlying mechanisms of health behaviors especially those that primarily use animal or other experimental models are reviewed in other study sections.
Review Dates
- Studies using cohorts or population data to characterize substance use behavior including the use of alcohol, tobacco, licit and illicit drugs, and other substances
- Studies using cohorts or large population data to examine human behaviors in the area of dietary patterns and physical activity including eating and sedentary behavior as outcomes or determinants of biological and biomedical health outcomes
- Studies using cohorts or large population data to examine sleep quality and duration as outcome or determinant of other biological and biomedical health outcomes
- Studies optimizing the measurement of lifestyle and health behaviors including diet, physical activity and sleep measurement
- Studies using cohorts or population approaches to examine health and care engagement from a population health perspective including longitudinal studies of lifestyle patterns associated with health and disease
- Applications may use methodologies and study designs including cohort, case-control, prospective, longitudinal, retrospective, clinical trial, cross-sectional, surveillance, genetics, epigenetics, omics (i.e. genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, epigenomics, metagenomics) and assessment of gene-environment interactions to look at lifestyle or health behaviors as well as their associations with multiple biological and biomedical health outcomes
Shared Interests and Overlaps
There are shared interests in substance use with a population-based focus with Neurological, Mental and Behavioral Health (NMBH). Applications that focus on health behaviors as an exposure or health outcome are reviewed in LHB, for example applications focused on substance use or how substance use affects other health outcomes. Applications that emphasize behavioral health conditions or disorders as the health outcome, for example applications focusing on substance use disorders, are reviewed in NMBH.
There are shared interests in lifestyle behavior effects on health outcomes with Lifestyle Change and Behavioral Health (LCBH). Applications that emphasize the evaluation of population-level interventions to change lifestyle health behaviors are reviewed in LHB. Applications that emphasize the adoption or implementation of behavioral approaches to promote health at the individual or small group levels are reviewed in LCBH.
There are shared interests in characterizing the role of lifestyle and health behaviors in cardiovascular and respiratory health at the population level with Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases (CRD). Applications that emphasize the characterization of lifestyle and health behaviors that affect cardiovascular and/or respiratory health outcomes at the population level from a more behavioral perspective may be reviewed in LHB. Applications that assess lifestyle and health behaviors as part of a panel of risk factors or biomarkers of cardiovascular and/or respiratory population health outcomes from a more biological and biomedical perspective may be reviewed in CRD.
There are shared interests in characterizing the role of lifestyle and health behaviors in cancer outcomes at the population level with Cancer and Hematologic Disorders (CHD). Applications that focus on the lifestyle and health behaviors associated with cancer outcomes at the population level from a more behavioral perspective are reviewed in LHB. Applications that focus on lifestyle and health behaviors as part of a panel of risk factors of cancer population health outcomes from a more biological and biomedical perspective are reviewed in CHD.
There are shared interests in health behaviors with Kidney, Endocrine and Digestive Disorders (KEDD). Applications that emphasize the contribution of health behaviors like diet and physical activity to diabetes and obesity from a more behavioral perspective are reviewed in LHB. Applications that emphasize health behaviors such as diet and physical activity as risk factors for diabetes and obesity from a more biological and biomedical perspective are reviewed in KEDD.
There are shared interests in the measurement of lifestyle and health behaviors like diet, sleep and physical activity with Analytics and Statistics for Population Research Panel B (ASPB). Applications that primarily apply this methodology to measure lifestyle and health behaviors and their relationship with population health outcomes including the assessment of the efficacy of technology-based assessments of health behaviors are reviewed in LHB. Applications that primarily develop and adapt methodology to better analyze lifestyle and health behaviors data including data from wearable device and smartphone apps are reviewed in ASPB.
There are shared interests in sleep with Mechanisms of Emotion, Stress and Health (MESH). Applications that use a population-based approach to studying sleep as an exposure that affects health outcomes or sleep as a health outcome in human subpopulations from a more behavioral perspective are reviewed in LHB. Applications that focus on the interactions of sleep as an exposure related to physical and mental illness and health from a biological and mechanistic perspective, mostly using laboratory-based studies, are reviewed in MESH.
There are shared interests in addictive behavior with Addiction Risks and Mechanisms (ARM). Applications that emphasize addictive behaviors in human subpopulations are reviewed in LHB. Applications that emphasize addictive behaviors at the individual level are reviewed in ARM.