The Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases (CRD) study section reviews applications that address the etiology, determinants, distribution and outcomes of cardiovascular and respiratory phenotypes, disorders and diseases from a population health perspective. Applications reviewed will examine a range of exposures and risk factors for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and disorders including but not limited to genetic, epigenetic, biological, biomedical and environmental risk factors. Studies reviewed in CRD have a population health focus. Applications that focus on the pathophysiology or the underlying mechanisms of these diseases and disorders especially those that primarily use animal or other experimental models are reviewed in other study sections.

Review Dates

Membership Panel

The membership panel is a list of chartered members only.


  • Studies addressing the incidence, prevalence, progression and consequences of cardiovascular diseases and disorders in large populations that include but are not limited to heart failure, atherosclerosis, pulmonary vascular disease and myocardial infarction
  • Studies addressing the incidence, prevalence, progression and consequences of respiratory diseases and disorders in large populations that include but are not limited to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  • Studies examining the effects of environmental and other exposures on incidence, progression, and outcomes related to cardiovascular and respiratory health in large populations, especially with a focus on the disease or disorder outcome rather than the exposure
  • Studies of incidence, prevalence and determinants of co-morbidities and multi-morbidities in populations with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases
  • Applications may use methodologies and study designs including cohort, case-control, prospective, longitudinal, retrospective, clinical trial, cross-sectional, surveillance, genetics, epigenetics, omics (i.e. genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, epigenomics, metagenomics) and assessment of gene-environment interactions

Shared Interests and Overlaps

There are shared interests in cardiovascular diseases in humans with Clinical Integrative Cardiovascular and Hematological Sciences (CCHS). Applications that emphasize determinants and distribution of cardiovascular diseases in human subpopulations including relating clinical biomarkers to disease progression are reviewed in CRD. Applications that emphasize cardiovascular physiology of humans, or elucidating mechanisms of cardiovascular disease typically in small populations are reviewed in CCHS.

There are shared interests in characterizing the role of diet in cardiovascular and respiratory health at the population level with Lifestyle and Health Behaviors (LHB). Applications that focus on lifestyle and health behaviors as part of a panel of risk factors or biomarkers of cardiovascular and/or respiratory population health outcomes from a more biological and biomedical perspective are reviewed in CRD. Applications that focus on the characterization of lifestyle and health behaviors that affect cardiovascular and/or respiratory health outcomes at the population level from a more behavioral perspective are reviewed in LHB.

There are shared interests in studying cardiometabolic disorders that incorporate obesity, diabetes and heart disease with Kidney, Endocrine and Digestive Disorders (KEDD).  Applications that focus on the role of cardiovascular causes and consequences of cardiometabolic disorders at the population level are reviewed in CRD. Applications that focus on the role of endocrine and metabolic causes and consequences of cardiometabolic disorders at the population level are reviewed in KEDD.

There are shared interests in assessing genetic predisposition to diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in large population samples with Genetics of Health and Disease (GHD).  Applications that emphasize how these factors contribute to health outcomes in human subpopulations are reviewed in CRD. Applications that emphasize discovery of genetic, genomic, epigenomic elements and molecular signatures are reviewed in GHD.

There are shared interests in pharmacoepidemiology and comparative effectiveness studies with the Health Services: Quality and Effectiveness (HSQE) study section.  Applications that emphasize the defining the characteristics of populations that respond to drug treatments as well as the risk factors associated with treatment responses for cardiovascular and respiratory conditions and diseases without focusing on the associated healthcare modalities are reviewed in CRD.  Applications that emphasize the quality and effectiveness of healthcare delivery and receipt of services including drug prescribing, adherence patterns and cost-effectiveness at the individual, patient and population level are reviewed in HSQE.

There are shared interests with Translational Investigations of Pulmonary and Immunological Diseases (RCCS (81)). Applications that use a more patient-oriented approach to study pulmonary diseases may be reviewed in RCCS (81). Applications which emphasize the distribution and determinants of respiratory diseases conditions in human subpopulations with an epidemiological approach may be reviewed in CRD.


Last updated: 02/28/2025 17:49