The Health Services Quality and Effectiveness (HSQE) study section reviews applications that focus on the provision of health services, healthcare quality, effectiveness, and individual/patient health outcomes. Studies focus on the access/receipt/utilization of services, cost-effectiveness, and comparative effectiveness. Service receipt settings may include: home and community-based settings, hospitals, emergency rooms, ICUs, NICUs, operating rooms, nursing homes , palliative care settings, primary care, and community clinics.

Review Dates

Membership Panel

The membership panel is a list of chartered members only.


  • Studies focused on the interaction of patients and providers in the delivery of health care services and individual/population-level outcomes associated with service receipt.
  • Studies that examine provider service modalities, alternative service systems and individual patient outcomes.
  • Studies that examine pharmaco-epidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacovigilance, and individual patient outcomes.
  • Studies that apply risk prediction modeling and clinical decision making to improve health service delivery (at the individual/patient level).
  • Studies that focus on comparative effectiveness of existing interventions in health care services.

Shared Interests and Overlaps

HSQE and Organization and Delivery of Health Services (ODHS) have shared interests in the delivery of health care services. Applications that emphasize assess healthcare quality and effectiveness in relation to the receipt of individual health services and individual patient outcomes are reviewed in HSQE. Applications that emphasize the organization, utilization and delivery of healthcare on a systems level, provider, or organizational level are reviewed in ODHS.

HSQE and Social Sciences and Population Studies (SSPS) have shared interests in population-level health outcomes. Applications that emphasize health care services, health care quality, and cost effectiveness are reviewed in HSQE. Applications that emphasize a key social or behavioral focus on health and well-being across the life course, health disparities, demographic processes, and economic outcomes are reviewed in in SSPS.

HSQE and Interdisciplinary Clinical Care in Specialty Care Settings (ICSC) have shared interests in the patient-provider interaction/communication and subsequent health outcomes in institutional and inpatient settings. Applications that emphasize provider outcomes and/or organizational-level outcomes in the context of health care service receipt are reviewed in HSQE. Applications that emphasize the interaction of patients and providers in the context of clinical management of patients, including patient-provider communication and decision-making are reviewed in ICSC.

HSQE and Clinical Management in General Care Settings (CMGC) have shared in patient-provider interaction/communication and subsequent health outcomes in general care settings. Applications that emphasize provider outcomes in the context of health care service receipt are reviewed in HSQE. Applications that emphasize the clinical management of patients, including patient-provider communication and decision-making with the intent to guide care or inform clinical practice are reviewed in CMGC.

HSQE and Science of Implementation in Health and Healthcare (SIHH) have shared in dissemination and implementation of evidence-based practices in health systems. Applications that emphasize the receipt of services, health care quality and effectiveness and individual-/patient- and population-level health outcomes are reviewed in HSQE. Applications that emphasize dissemination and implementation processes and outcomes related to implementation of evidence-based practices, guidelines, and interventions with health care providers and organizations are reviewed in SIHH.

HSQE and Healthcare and Health Disparities (HHD) have shared interests in health disparities as it relates to health service receipt. Applications that emphasize measures of quality of care and provider outcomes as it relates to the receipt of health services by members of diverse patient groups are reviewed in HSQE. Applications that emphasize the systematic underpinnings of health disparities as it relates to access to, use of, and effectiveness of health services by minority and vulnerable patient groups are reviewed in HHD.

HSQE and Clinical Informatics and Digital Health (CIDH) have shared interests in the use of informatics for assessment of healthcare quality and effectiveness related to the receipt of health services. Applications that emphasize the utilization and integration of previously developed and validated informatics systems to support clinical decision making in health services are reviewed in HSQE. Applications that emphasize the development and validation of informatics systems and tools for eventual translation into health services or examine the human-machine interface are reviewed in CIDH.

HSQE and Addictions Risks and Mechanisms (ARM) have shared interests in prescription drug use and abuse, especially in opioids. Applications that emphasize system and provider-level health care delivery for prescription drugs, system and provider medication prescribing practices, and provider provision of prescribed medication services are reviewed in HSQE. Applications that emphasize individual patients’ misuse of, and/or addiction, and abuse of prescription drugs (especially opioids) are reviewed in ARM.

There are shared interests in pharmacoepidemiology and comparative effectiveness studies with Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases (CRD). Applications that emphasize the quality and effectiveness of healthcare delivery and receipt of services including drug prescribing, adherence patterns and cost-effectiveness at the individual, patient and population level are reviewed in HSQE. Applications that emphasize the defining the characteristics of populations that respond to drug treatments as well as the risk factors associated with treatment responses for cardiovascular and respiratory conditions and diseases without focusing on the associated healthcare modalities are reviewed in CRD.  


Last updated: 03/04/2025 05:10