Molecular and Cellular Biology of Virus Infection – MCV

The Molecular and Cellular Biology of Virus Infection (MCV) study section reviews applications addressing fundamental molecular or cellular aspects of eukaryotic virus infection, molecular genetics and evolution, molecular pathogenesis, and virus-host interactions using approaches in structural biology, biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, and systems biology.
Note: HIV/AIDS-related applications are reviewed on an expedited cycle (as mandated by Congress) by one of the HIV/AIDS Research study sections.
Review Dates
- Molecular and cellular biology of virus infection mechanisms; attachment, entry, and uncoating; gene expression regulation; viral genome replication, recombination, and mutation; virus assembly, maturation, and egress
- Virus-host interactions: viral effects on signal transduction, transport, host gene expression, cell physiology, development, differentiation, and metabolism, establishment of latency and persistence
- Biochemistry/Biophysics of viral complexes and assemblies
- Systems biology (e.g., genomics, proteomics, lipidomics)
- Cell biology of viral replication (e.g., formation of replication organelles, secretory pathway transport, intracellular trafficking)
Shared Interests and Overlaps
There are shared interests with Viral Pathogenesis and Immunity (VPI) in mechanisms regulating host-virus interactions. Applications focused on addressing host immune pathways during host-virus interactions may be reviewed in VPI. Applications focused on the molecular and cellular mechanisms involving these host-viral immune interactions or cell intrinsic responses, particularly those using structural biology analyses, may be reviewed in MCV.
There are shared interests with Viral Dynamics and Transmission (VDT) in studies of viral infection. Applications focused on the in vivo and/or ex vivo models of viral infection to understand the establishment and dissemination of infection, tropism, evolution, competitive fitness, and transmission between hosts may be reviewed in VDT. Applications focused on the molecular and cellular mechanisms enabling these processes using structural biology analyses may be reviewed in MCV.
There are shared interests in molecular mechanisms of virus-host interactions with Transmission of Vector-borne and Zoonotic diseases (TVZ). Applications that emphasize the complex zoonotic or vector-borne life cycles of viruses may be reviewed in TVZ. Applications that are focused on viral biology and molecular mechanistic models of virus infection, pathogenesis, or immunity from the virus perspective may be reviewed in MCV, VPI, or VDT.
There are shared interests with Immunity and Host Defense (IHD) in the investigations of the immunologic responses to viral infections. Applications focused on the immune mechanisms associated with the host response to viral infections and those utilizing viruses as tools to stimulate an immune response may be reviewed in IHD. Applications involving the immune responses in the context of pathogenesis associated with specific viruses may be reviewed in MCV, VPI, or VDT.
There are shared interests in molecular studies of viral functions with Anti-Infective Resistance and Targets (AIRT). Applications that focus on identifying novel drug targets or resistance mechanisms may be reviewed in AIRT. Applications that emphasize viral molecular and cellular biology may be reviewed in MCV.
There are shared interests in drug target characterization with Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology A (DMPA). Applications that emphasize developing new antiviral drugs may be reviewed in DMPA. Applications that emphasize understanding fundamental viral processes or pathogenesis mechanisms using known drugs as probes may be reviewed in MCV.
There are shared interests with Digestive System Host Defense, Microbial Interactions and Immune and Inflammatory Diseases (DHMI), Clinical Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumors (CNBT), and Hepatobiliary Pathophysiology (HBPP). Applications addressing virus-host immune or inflammatory interactions relevant to the diseases or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (DHMI), nervous system (CNBT), and hepatobiliary system (HBPP) due to virus infection may be reviewed in the respective study section noted. Applications focused on molecular mechanistic models of virus infection or pathogenesis and immunity emphasizing the virology perspective may be reviewed in MCV, VPI, or VDT.
There are shared interests with Macromolecular Structure and Function study sections A (MSFA), B (MSFB), C (MSFC), D (MSFD). Applications focused on structure-function relationships or molecular interactions, assemblies or biochemistry using biophysical methods and/or computational modeling may be reviewed in an MSF. Applications integrating those analyses with complementary studies of molecular mechanisms of virus infection, host-virus interactions, or viral pathogenesis and immunity may be reviewed in MCV.
There are shared interests with Genetic Variation and Evolution Study Section (GVE) and Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems (MABS). Applications focused on virus genetic variation and evolution or molecular epidemiology using mathematical models or computer simulations of virus infections may be reviewed in GVE or MABS.
There are shared interests with Etiology, Diagnostic, Intervention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases (EDIT) in the general area of viral pathogens. Applications that focus on population-based studies examining human-virus interactions, epidemiology, therapeutics, prophylactics, or diagnostics of virus infections may be reviewed in EDIT. Applications that focus on mechanistic in vitro studies and animal models of viral diseases may be reviewed in MCV, VPI, or VDT.
There are shared interests with Chemical Biology & Probes (CBP), Drug and Biologic Therapeutic Delivery (DBTD), Therapeutic Approaches to Genetic Diseases (TAG), and Developmental Therapeutics (DT). Applications that emphasize development of novel synthetic or medicinal chemistry approaches may be reviewed in CBP. Applications focused on developing or improving viruses for gene delivery, viral therapy for genetic diseases, or oncolytic virotherapy may be reviewed in GBTD, TAG, or DT, respectively. Applications that emphasize understanding fundamental viral processes or pathogenesis mechanisms using known or modestly modified drugs as probes or unmodified or pathogenic parental viruses may be reviewed in MCV.
There are shared interests in infections with Clinical Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumors (CNBT). Applications that emphasize addressing fundamental aspects of non-HIV and non-bacteriophage viral genetics, infection and replication are reviewed in MCV. Applications that emphasize CNS infectious diseases from viral infections are reviewed in CNBT.
There are shared interests with Lung Immunology and Infection (LII). Applications addressing virus-host immune or inflammatory interactions in the lung may be reviewed in LII. Applications focused on molecular mechanistic models of virus infection or pathogenesis and immunity emphasizing the virological perspective may be reviewed in MCV.