Innate Immunity A – ZRG1 IIDA (81)

The Innate Immunity A (IIDA (81)) study section reviews applications involving fundamental aspects of innate immunity, with an emphasis on cell-based studies of the innate immune system and its regulation. Applications more focused on diseases with an immunologic component or addressing mammalian host-pathogen interactions from the perspective of the pathogen are generally reviewed in other study sections.
Review Dates
- Development, differentiation, and function of innate immune cells, including dendritic cells, monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells. Innate and innate-like lymphoid cells are also considered.
- Fundamental immunobiology of antigen presentation and processing by dendritic cells, macrophages, Langerhans cells,B cells, and vascular cells etc.
- Role of myeloid cells in cytokine and anti-microbial compound production during the innate and adaptive immune response.
- Development and tissue adaptation of monocyte/macrophage lineage cells, such as tissue-resident macrophages.
- Regulatory myeloid cells such as myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and their role in adaptive immunity.
- Phagocytosis and autophagocytosis including phagosome, autophagosome, and phago-lysosome formation and processes.
- Trained Immunity: Basic cellular studies and animal models of trained immunity.
- Innate lymphoid cells (ILC), Gamma delta T (GDT) cells, mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells, Natural killer T (NKT) and invariant NKT (iNKT) cells.
Shared Interests and Overlaps
There are shared interests with Molecular and Structural Immunology (MSI). Applications focused on molecular signaling or structure/functional studies of immune molecules and receptors may be reviewed in MSI, whereas applications that focus on the development, differentiation, and immunobiology of innate immune cells may be reviewed in IIDA (81).
There are shared interests with Innate Immunity B (IIB). Applications that focus on an integrated innate immune response to pathogens or injury may be reviewed in IIB, whereas applications that focus on the immunobiology of innate immune cells may be reviewed in IIDA (81).
There are shared interests with Adaptive Immunity (AI). The impact of antigen presentation on adaptive immune responses, differentiation and activation of B and T lymphocytes, and regulatory functions of myeloid cells on adaptive immune responses may be reviewed in AI, whereas the fundamental cell biology of antigen presentation/processing and the role of myeloid cells in the immune responses, as well as the differentiation and activation of innate-like lymphocytes, may be reviewed in IIDA (81).
There are shared interests with Mechanisms of Autoimmunity (MAI) and Immune Mechanisms of Hypersensitivity and Allergy (IMHA). The immunopathologic consequences or failures of immunoregulation that lead to autoimmunity, hypersensitivity and allergy may be reviewed in MAI or IMHA respectively, whereas applications pertaining more to cell-based innate immune function may be reviewed in IIDA (81).
There are shared interests with Immunobiology of Transplantation and Alloimmunity (ITA) in the cells and mechanism of innate response. Applications proposing to study innate immune cell function and innate immune mechanisms in relation to transplant tolerance and immunity may be reviewed in ITA. Applications focusing on cell-based innate immune function may be reviewed in IIDA (81).
There are shared interests with the Immunity and Host Defense (IHD) study section. Applications focused on the protective innate immune response to a specific pathogen may be reviewed in IHD. Applications with a greater focus on the immunobiology of innate immune cells, irrespective of the tissue site, may be reviewed in IIDA (81)
There are shared interests with the Bacterial Virulence (BV), Bacterial-Host Interactions (BHI), Viral Pathogenesis and Immunity (VPI), Viral Dynamics and Transmission (VDT), and Pathogenic Eucaryotes (PTHE). Applications associated with infectious disease virulence and pathological outcomes may be reviewed in one of the infectious agent-centric study sections, whereas applications with a greater focus on the innate immune cell processing of the infectious agent antigen may be reviewed in IIDA (81).
There are shared interests with the Digestive System Host Defense, Microbial Interactions and Immune and Inflammatory Diseases (DHMI), Clinical Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumors (CNBT), Hepatobiliary Pathophysiology (HBPP), Lung Immunology and Infection (LII) and several study sections in the Endocrine and Metabolic Systems (EMS) branch. Applications addressing impacts of the adaptive immune system on the function and pathology relevant to diseases or disorders of specific organ systems may be reviewed in study sections focusing on those systems. Applications with a greater focus on fundamental aspects of the innate immune response may be reviewed in IIDA (81) or IIB.