Recommending Potential Reviewers

Scientific Society – Reviewer Recommendations Portal
is for scientific societies that would like to recommend reviewers. When first visiting the portal, a representative from the society should create a user account. After an account is created, we will confirm that you are acting on the society’s behalf. After confirmation, you will receive an email inviting you to submit recommendations.
Please carefully vet all recommended reviewers. They should be scientists who are generally willing to serve as reviewers and are seen as experts, with integrity, in their field. They should have an active research program, extramural funding, and not currently be a standing member of an NIH study section or advisory council. We strongly encourage societies to recommend productive scientists from a range of career stages – e.g. assistant, associate, and full professors.
Please gather the required information (below) before logging into the portal.
Preparing for the Portal
Required fields:
- Name
- Degree
- Email address
- NIH Commons ID
- Key terms that reflect the person’s broad expertise (e.g. behavioral neuro-endocrinology; cardiovascular disease; etc.)
- Key terms the reflect the person’s research focus (e.g. estrogen receptor alpha and aggression; cardiac contractility; etc.)
- Key terms that reflect the person’s methodological expertise (e.g. immunohistochemistry; population-level statistical methods; etc.)
Optional fields are:
- Selection of up to 3 relevant study sections
- Other comments – provide additional information regarding the person’s suitability as a reviewer