We asked some experienced reviewers why someone considering becoming a reviewer should do it. Here are some of the things they said:
Enjoy Flexibility in Submitting Applications: “I really like getting a break on application deadlines.” Reviewers may submit their own proposals up to two weeks late for many Funding Opportunity Announcements.
Get a Front Row Seat to the Future: “It’s intense and cutting edge . . . and intellectually stimulating to see the wonderful ideas and approaches to major problems that come through.”
Become More Successful: “It really helps you to appreciate the difference between good grant writing and bad grant writing, more importantly between good science and bad science.”
Learn More: “It is the best way to stay up to date in your field, and to gain insights from other fields that can be applicable to your own work.”
Meet New Colleagues: “Getting together with colleagues to review grants is still one of the best mechanisms for building and maintaining professional contacts.”
Become a Better Mentor: “I got much better at counseling young people in how to think about their applications and what to do, and it’s paying off in their success.”
Give Back: “I feel it’s something I owe the scientific community . . . If you’re going to be a part of the system, you have to bear the responsibility.”
Shape the Future: “Helping to mold what direction science goes in is very satisfying.”
Help Make NIH Reviews Fair and Rigorous
We depend on the willingness of scientists like you to serve on our review groups to provide fair, high quality peer reviews.