The F18 study section reviews fellowship and training applications that focus on epidemiology and population sciences in humans across the life span, including the impact of various factors on physical and mental health outcomes.

Applications focus on the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events at the population level, as well as the application of methodologies to understand the natural history or control of health problems, and the development or optimization of mathematical or statistical methods to improve population level data analysis. Factors may include psychological, social, and cultural processes, behavioral genetics, environmental conditions or exposures, organizational structures, and health policies.

The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.

Review Dates


  • Population level and epidemiological studies that characterize and/or evaluate the risk and protective factors associated with the development of chronic or acute illness (e.g., cancer, communicable diseases, conditions related to aging, reproductive health, mental health, and substance abuse disorders)
  • Population-based studies of environmental influences on health and illness, including environmental exposures and the influence of social, cultural, or policy factors
  • Population-based studies of genetic influences, including risk and protective genetic patterns, epi-genetics, and behavioral genetics
  • Techniques and methodologies that address statistical and mathematical problems in population-based studies

Shared Interests and Overlaps

Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior IRG (RPHB)/Fellowships: Risk, health and healthcare (F16): Applications that focus on epidemiology in the areas of risk factors for cancer, chronic conditions, communicable diseases, conditions related to aging, reproductive health, mental health, substance abuse disorders, and behavioral genetics may be assigned to F18. Applications that focus on individual and community levels of prevention and intervention studies may be assigned to F16.

Emerging Technologies and Training in Neurosciences IRG (ETTN)/Behavioral Neuroscience Fellowship Study Section (F02) - Neurodevelopment, Synaptic Plasticity and Neurodegeneration Fellowship Study Section (F03): Fellowship applications falling in the areas of Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes (BBBP) are assigned to ETTN. These include mechanistic studies of adult and child psychopathology, stress, neurocognition and imaging perception and attention, language and communication disorders, and all behavioral studies using animal models.

Fellowships: Infectious Diseases and Immunology (F07A or F07B): F18 has a shared interest with (F07A or F07B) in the area of infectious diseases. Fellowship applications that focus on the epidemiology of infectious diseases may be assigned to F18. Fellowship applications that address infectious disease transmission and molecular epidemiology may be assigned to (F07A or F07B).

Oncology 1 - Basic Translational IRG (OBT)/Fellowships: Oncological Sciences (F09): F18 has a shared interest with F09 in cancer risk factors. Fellowship applications that focus on the determinants, predictors and/or distribution of cancer may be assigned to F18; applications that focus on cancer biomarkers or mechanisms of increased risk may be assigned to F09B.


Last updated: 03/06/2025 04:20