Dr. Simon Peron

Dr. Simon Peron

Scientific Review Officer


Division of Neuroscience, Development and Aging DNDA
Review Branch:
Integrative and Cognitive Neuroscience ICN
Study Section:
Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Neuroimmunology, Rhythms, and Sleep BNRS

Dr. Simon Peron received his Ph.D. in neuroscience from Baylor College of Medicine, where he worked on the biophysical mechanisms subserving neural computations in insect vision. He received postdoctoral training at Janelia Farm Research Campus in large-scale two-photon calcium imaging of the mouse whisker system. He developed imaging approaches to measure activity across thousands of neurons simultaneously, using these approaches to explore sensory coding in the barrel cortex. Before joining CSR, Dr. Peron was an assistant professor at the Center for Neural Science at New York University. His research, supported by both federal and foundation grants, focused on sensorimotor processing in the mouse whisker system.


Last updated: 12/30/2024 11:54