The Imaging Technology Development [ITD] study section reviews applications that propose to develop novel biomedical imaging technologies or to create new capabilities for existing imaging systems. The imaging methods reviewed here are typically intended either for clinical purposes or for basic biological research in living animals or humans.

Modalities include, but are not restricted to CT, MRI (structural, functional, spectroscopic), molecular imaging platforms including PET and SPECT, optical methods, ultrasound, and photoacoustic imaging. The proposals typically use a combination of bioengineering, physics, mathematics, and/or computational approaches and the emphasis is on technical development.

The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.

Review Dates

Membership Panel

The membership panel is a list of chartered members only.


  • Novel methods to advance the speed, resolution, sensitivity, signal to noise, or other important characteristics of imaging systems
  • Source/detector engineering; Component technologies used in the design, development, implementation, testing and application of imaging systems, including, transducers, magnets, coils, and other devices to acquire medical image data
  • New algorithms or statistical methods and theories for processing and presenting medical images: display, computational resources for reconstruction, registration, segmentation, and visualization
  • Integration of hardware and software
  • Engineering of new multi-modal systems
  • New imaging approaches to exploit intrinsic contrast mechanisms of biological systems and tissues
  • New imaging approaches that exploit exogenous contrast mechanisms

Shared Interests and Overlaps

Emerging Imaging Technologies and Applications [EITA] reviews closely related developmental imaging proposals. The distinction is in the stage of development; when the emphasis is on the basic capabilities of an imaging system, review is generally done in ITD. When the emphasis is on optimization of a method for a particular clinical use, target pathology, or research question, review is generally done in EITA. Development and optimization of machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches to image analysis are reviewed by EITA. Proposals to develop new computational models using standard algorithms are reviewed in EITA whereas creation of new approaches to modeling imaging data is reviewed in ITD.

Clinical Translational Imaging Science [CTIS] also reviews developmental imaging proposals. Proposals emphasizing biomedical engineering, physics, or mathematics to create novel imaging methods are reviewed in ITD. When the work has advanced to the point where testing in humans with clinical outcomes is proposed, it is typically reviewed in CTIS.

There are shared interests in creating new imaging technologies or new capabilities in existing modalities, sometimes intended for neuroscience problems with Imaging Technology for Neuroscience (ITN). Applications that emphasize basic engineering for creation of new modalities or new imaging capabilities are reviewed in ITD even if the eventual intended use of the technology is in neuroscience. Applications that emphasize expert knowledge of the nervous system for evaluating the bioengineering work proposed are reviewed in ITN. 

Imaging Guided Interventions and Surgery [IGIS] also reviews applications proposing to develop or optimize imaging systems for specific biological, physiological, and disease targets. When the aim of technical development is image-based guidance of a therapeutic intervention or interventional technology development, and the proposal includes evaluation of that intervention (even in a preclinical context), the work is likely to be reviewed in IGIS.

There are shared interests with Instrumentation and Systems Development [ISD] in point-of-care diagnostics in humans. Applications that develop new technology for imaging-based point-of-care diagnostics may be assigned to ITD. Applications that develop sensing devices for single cells, environmental and toxic chemicals, or biomedically relevant compounds and molecules may be assigned to ISD.

There are shared interests with Enabling Bioanalytical and Imaging Technologies Study Section [EBIT]. Applications involving the development of imaging technologies at the large animal and human scale may be assigned to ITD. Applications involving bioanalytical techniques, including sensors, separations, and mass spectrometry as well as applications involving biophysical techniques, including magnetic resonance and optical spectroscopy at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and small animal levels may be assigned to EBIT.


Last updated: 03/17/2025 06:10