For Applicants

Explore resources to assist in the planning, writing, and submitting of a successful application.

For Reviewers

Explore tools and guidance for the successful reviewing, critiquing, and scoring of applications.

Latest News & Policy Changes


Refer to the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts for recent policy changes.

It is recommended that all NIH applicants subscribe to the NIH Guide in order to stay informed.


NIH Centralizes Peer Review to Improve Efficiency and Strengthen Integrity

Today the National Institutes of Health is announcing plans to centralize peer review

NIH Revises Grant Review Process to Improve Focus on Scientific Merit, Reduce Reputational Bias

The National Institutes of Health is taking steps to simplify its process

Dr. Ray Jacobson named Director of the Division of Receipt and Referral

The NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) has named Dr. Ray Jacobson Director of its Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR).

Early Career Reviewer (ECR) Program

The ECR program aims to educate qualified scientists without prior CSR review experience to develop skills as a reviewer and to provide experience that might make them more competitive applicants.

Advice for SBIR/STTR Applicants

Find step-by-step instructions to apply for SBIR and STTR grants along with contact touchpoints at each step.

Reviewer Recommendations via Scientific Societies

Scientific societies may use our online portal to recommend scientists for service on review panels.