- Division:
- Division of AIDS, Behavioral and Population Sciences – DABP
- Review Branch:
- Social and Community Influences Across the Lifecourse – SCIL
- Study Section:
- Societal and Ethical Issues in Research – ZRG1SEIR
Dr. Abigail Haydon received her PhD and MPH in maternal and child health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with concentrations in demography and developmental science. After leaving UNC, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at NICHD through the AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships Program and managed research on science communication at the FrameWorks Institute. Prior to returning to NIH, she oversaw predoctoral and postdoctoral training at UNC’s Carolina Population Center. Her own research focused on trajectories of adolescent sexual behavior and the implications of these trajectories for outcomes in young adulthood; adolescent development and romantic relationships; and strategies for communicating about developmental science.