When multiple PD/PIs are proposed, must all PD/PIs and all institutions involved be AREA-eligible?

Yes, each PD/PI must have an appointment at an AREA-eligible institution. In addition, each PD/PI may not be the PD/PI of an active NIH grant at the time of award of an AREA grant.

Can I have a collaborator who is at an ineligible institution?

It is acceptable to have a R15-ineligible collaborator, consultant, or subcontractor. Collaborators add needed skills to a project. If you do not have the appropriate expertise for your proposed Research Plan or access to needed equipment, facilities, reagents, or other resources, adding a collaborator or consultant can help you fill these gaps. However, as the role of that ineligible collaborator is developed, it is important from the perspective of merit to keep the goals and unique review criteria of the R15 in mind. These include:

  • Availability of research opportunities to students
  • Potential to have a substantial effect on the institution/academic component in terms of strengthening the research environment and exposing students to research
  • The PI’s experience supervising students in research
  • Evidence the project can stimulate the interests of students to consider a career in biomedical/behavioral science, availability of well-qualified students and evidence students have or are likely to pursue biomedical careers.