The F16 study section reviews fellowship and training applications that cover areas of health risk and/or health protective factors at the individual, group, and community levels in humans across the life span, as well as the impact of those factors on healthcare services and physical and mental health outcomes.

Factors include psychological, interpersonal, social, and cultural processes; organizational structures; and health policies. Research and training activities typically focus on: the etiology, prevention, treatment, or management of acute or chronic mental and physical disorders, including addictions; the optimization of health, health services organization and delivery; the characterization of health and illness over time on an individual and community level; and, the development of mathematical or statistical methods to create better analytic tools for healthcare delivery and clinical management .

Review Dates


  • Studies evaluating the risk and protective factors and preventive interventions associated with the development or self-management of chronic or acute illness, including substance abuse and psychopathology (e.g. violence, child abuse, aggression, suicidal behavior, substance use and other negative influences.)
  • Studies to test the efficacy of clinical interventions across the lifespan
  • Examination of the interrelationships of socioenvironmental factors, individual factors, sociocultural factors, and biomedical processes
  • Studies of health services and service delivery systems including implementation science
  • Studies on social psychology, personality and interpersonal processes and their relation to mental and physical health
  • Studies of health informatics, e.g., electronic health records, advanced computing architecture, knowledge management, machine learning, etc.
  • Ethical issues in human subjects research, clinical ethics, clinical trials, and human genetics

Shared Interests and Overlaps


Fellowships: HIV/AIDS Behavioral – F17B: F16 has a shared interest with F17B in behavioral and social research. F17B operates on an expedited cycle as mandated by Congress, and only fellowship applications in which there is a clear and compelling HIV/AIDS research component are eligible for review in F17B. Those deemed insufficiently related to HIV/AIDS may be reviewed in F16.

Fellowships: Epidemiology and Population Sciences – F18: F16 has a shared interest with F18 in behavioral, social and infectious disease research. Fellowship applications that cover areas of health risk and/or health protective factors at the individual, group, and community levels in humans across the life span, as well as the impact of those factors on healthcare services and physical and mental health may be assigned to F16. Applications that focus on social and behavioral epidemiology, behavioral genetics and economic and policy influences on health or infectious disease epidemiology including infectious disease transmission may be assigned to F18.

Fellowships: Learning and Memory, Language, Communication and Related Neurosciences – F01B / Fellowships: Behavioral Neuroscience – F02A / Fellowships: Sensory and Motor Neurosciences, Cognition and Perception – F02B: F16 has a shared interest with F01B, F02A or F02B in the areas of behavioral research. Fellowship applications reviewed in F16 cover areas of health risk and/or health protective factors at the individual, group, and community levels in humans across the life span, as well as the impact of those factors on healthcare services and physical and mental health outcomes. Applications involving mechanistic studies of adult and child psychopathology, stress, neurocognition and imaging perception and attention, language and communication disorders, and all behavioral studies using animal models are reviewed in F01B, F02A and F02B.

Fellowships: Infectious Diseases and Immunology A – F07A / Fellowships: Infectious Diseases and Immunology B – F07B: F16 has a shared interest with F07A or F07B in the area of infectious diseases. Fellowship applications that focus on the implementation science, healthcare service, clinical management, health informatics or ethical issues as related to infectious disease may be reviewed in F16. Fellowship applications that focus on microbiology and the immune response to infection may be reviewed in F07A or F07B.


Last updated: 03/24/2025 05:20