*Starts with April 2023 submission deadline

The F02A study section reviews fellowship applications with an emphasis on behavioral studies designed to further our understanding of the nervous system as well as neurological and mental disorders. Applications in this study section often propose science that employs a behavioral paradigm coupled with non-behavioral approaches such as neuroimaging, microdialysis, in vivo electrophysiological recording, or genetic studies such as analysis of early gene expression, gene suppression/knockout studies or epigenetic manipulations. Applications include a wide range of model systems from humans, non-human primates to rodents and invertebrates. In addition, to understanding the mechanisms underlying behavior, F02A may also review applications examining the effects of hormones, stress or substance use on behavior.

The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.

Review Dates


  • Effects of the interactions between environment and neural development such as studies into the effects of social interaction, isolation, stress, aggression, mood disorders, maternal-offspring interaction or aging
  • The effects of hormones on behavior during development or adulthood, such as studies examining acute or chronic stress, sex differences or maternal behavior
  • Behavioral responses to motivational stimuli such as food, fear and stress
  • Behavior related to substance use such as drug reward, drug sensitization, drug seeking, drug relapse and molecular mechanisms underlying this behavior.
  • Comorbidity of substance use and psychiatric disorders
  • Cognitive behaviors, learning and memory, and social emotional behavior processes, especially those centered in the limbic system, prefrontal cortex, or amygdala with the emphasis on behavioral outcomes
  • Psychophysiological responses to and functional consequences of affect and stress
  • Neurobehavioral pharmacology, animal models of psychological disorders and cognitive behavioral therapy for mental disorders and substance abuse

Shared Interests and Overlaps

Fellowship panels are broad and cover inter-related areas. Assignments are made based on the primary emphasis of the proposed research. There are some overlaps between topics reviewed by fellowship study sections. For any application that may fall between primary areas of study, the CSR Division of Receipt and Referral, Review Branch chiefs, and SROs confer to place it properly and to ensure that all appropriate expertise is brought to bear.

F02A panel reviews applications for a broad spectrum of research related to all aspects of neural behaviors. In F02A, topics involving neurological and mental disorders, including the underlying mechanisms or potential treatments of a disorder, are shared with Brain Disorders and Related Neurosciences [F01A] fellowship study section; sensory, motor and cognitive function areas overlap with Sensory and Motor Neuroscience Cognition and Perception Neuroscience [F02B] fellowship study section; endocrinology, nutrition, and reproductive physiology/pathology are shared with Endocrinology, Metabolism, Nutrition and Reproductive Sciences [F06] fellowship study section and socioenvironmental factors with the public health and healthcare areas overlap with Risk, health and healthcare Behavior [F16] fellowship study section.

Predominantly behavioral studies of responses to motivational stimuli such as food, fear and stress are reviewed in F02A, while molecular and circuit mechanisms overlap with F02B. When the focus is on neuropharmacology and pharmacodynamics, they may be reviewed in Biophysical, Physiological, Pharmacological and Bioengineering Neuroscience, and Vision [F03B] fellowship study section.

Applications related to drug use may be reviewed in F02A, when focused on motivational and behavioral aspects, Sensory and Motor Neurosciences, Cognition and Perception [F02B] fellowship study section, when focused on circuit mechanisms of tolerance and dependence, or [F03B], when related to molecular neuropharmacology and pharmacodynamics.

The molecular and circuit mechanisms underlying cognitive behaviors may be reviewed in Learning and Memory, Language, Communication and Related Neurosciences [F01B] or F02B fellowship study sections, depending on their focus.


Last updated: 03/24/2025 05:20