Fellowships: Brain Disorders and Related Neurosciences – F01A

The F01A study section reviews fellowship applications with an emphasis on clinical neuroscience and disease. The science proposed may investigate aspects of neuroplasticity, neurodegeneration, neuroimmunology, developmental brain disorders, TBI, stroke and autism. They may often employ clinical symptomology, behavioral, brain imaging, electrophysiological recording and stimulation, deep brain stimulation or computational modeling, but may also utilize cellular/molecular approaches, including genetic or epigenetic methods. Studies may focus on the underlying mechanisms of a disorder or potential therapeutics. While animal models may be used occasionally, F01A study section predominantly reviews fellowship applications with a clinical emphasis.
The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.
Review Dates
- Therapeutic treatments for brain injury and diseases including neuroprotection, immuno-therapeutics, cell transplantation, nanotechnology and deep brain stimulation
- In vivo neuroplasticity and neuroprotection studies related to epilepsy and other brain diseases
- Therapeutic strategies to enhance recovery of function after spinal cord injury, stroke, ischemia and traumatic brain injury
- In vivo studies of mechanisms underlying autism, schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorders
- Therapeutic approaches for behavioral, cognitive and emotional disorders
- In vivo analysis of mechanisms and therapeutics for central nervous system tumors
- Behavioral, cognitive, emotional and biological factors involved in the etiology of disorders
- Diagnosis, nosology, course and outcome of neurological and mental disorders
- Behavioral and pharmacological interventions/treatments; adherence to behavioral and pharmacologic treatments
- Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), and other neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases, etc) when the focus is on clinical, behavioral and cognitive outcomes, primarily in human subjects.
- Disorders of cognitive, sensory, perceptual and motor development, including intellectual disabilities, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder when the focus is on clinical and cognitive outcomes.
- Clinical treatment approaches to substance use disorders.
Shared Interests and Overlaps
Fellowship panels are broad and cover inter-related areas. Assignments are made based on the primary emphasis of the proposed research. There are some overlaps between topics reviewed by fellowship study sections. For any application that may fall between primary areas of study, the CSR Division of Receipt and Referral, Review Branch chiefs, and SROs confer to place it properly and to ensure that all appropriate expertise is brought to bear.
For example, while the focus of studies reviewed in F01A is on clinical, behavioral and cognitive outcomes, related to ADRD, primarily in human subjects, it overlaps with the following fellowships study sections: Learning and Memory, Language, Communication and Related Neurosciences [F01B], when the focus is on circuitry-level studies, and Neurodegeneration and Aging [F03C], when the focus is on molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration. Similarly, applications related to other neurodegenerative disorders (such as Parkinson’s and Huntington diseases) may be reviewed in Sensory and Motor Neurosciences, Cognition and Perception [F02B], when the focus is on motor control and/or circuitry or F03C, when the focus is on molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration.
Applications related to drug use may be reviewed also in the following fellowship study section: in [F02B], when focused on circuit mechanisms of tolerance and dependence, Behavioral Neuroscience [F02A], when focused on motivational and behavioral aspects of drug abuse, or Biophysical, Physiological, Pharmacological and Bioengineering Neuroscience, and Vision [F03B], when related to molecular neuropharmacology and pharmacodynamics.
Disorders of cognitive, sensory, perceptual and motor development, including intellectual disabilities, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in animal models may be reviewed in F02B, especially when the focus is on circuit-level studies. Autism-related applications with emphasis on speech and communication may be reviewed in F01B.
Studies on mechanisms of neuroplasticity and neuroprotection in brain disorders in animal or in vitro models are reviewed in Neurodevelopment, Oxidative Stress and Synaptic Plasticity [F03A] or F03C fellowship study sections.