The Pathophysiology of Eye Disease Study Section (PED) reviews applications to investigate disorders and diseases of the eye. The science ranges from investigations of etiology, to pathogenesis, diagnosis, detection, treatment, and prevention of eye disorders and disease. PED reviews applications proposing to use human subjects or animal models of ocular disease to investigate pathophysiology or translational/clinical approaches. PED 1 and 2 are twin study sections that handle essentially the same set of topics, models, and approaches.

Review Dates

Membership Panel

The membership panel is a list of chartered members only.


  • Etiology and pathogenic mechanisms of diseases and disorders of the retina and choroid, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), diabetic retinopathy (DR), and inherited retinal degenerations, such as retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt's Disease, Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis, etc.
  • Diseases, disorders, and treatments of the ocular surface and cornea, such as wound-healing, allergies, dry eye syndrome, lacrimal and meibomian gland dysfunction, bacterial, fungal, and viral corneal infections, corneal dystrophies, Fuchs' dystrophy, keratoconus, uveal melanoma, etc.
  • Understanding the pathogenesis and treatment of glaucoma (anterior and posterior) and other neuropathies.
  • Neuroimmunology and inflammation associated with age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, optic neuropathies, etc.
  • All aspects of immunology, infection, and inflammation unique to the eye, such as uveitis.
  • Preclinical evaluation of treatment targets and approaches, including gene therapy and stem cell-based therapy.
  • Drug delivery to the ocular surface or cornea.
  • Application of new technologies of imaging and visual function testing for diagnosis and monitoring of diseases and disorders of the retina and optic nerve.
  • Refractive error treatments.
  • Pathological aspects of retinal vasculogenesis and angiogenesis.
  • Cataracts and posterior capsule opacification.

Shared Interests and Overlaps

Biology and Development of the Eye (BDE) vs PED: Basic biological studies of the eye with the focus on the fundamental processes and mechanisms are reviewed by BDE vs. applications where the major focus is on etiology, pathophysiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and disorders that are reviewed in PED.

Bioengineering of Neuroscience, Vision and Low Vision Technologies (BNVT) vs PED: Development of bioengineering approaches, therapeutic formulations, and drug delivery strategies for treatment of ocular disorders are reviewed by BNVT vs. testing the applicability of these approaches and therapies for the treatment of diseases and disorders of retina and optic nerve using animal models and human-subject based studies are reviewed by PED.

Emerging Imaging Technologies in Neuroscience (EITN) vs PED: Applications focused on the development of imaging methodologies are primarily reviewed by EITN vs their use for the disorders and diseases of the retina and optic nerve are reviewed by PED.

Neurodifferentiation, Plasticity, Regeneration and Rhythmicity (NDPR) vs PED: Applications more focused on fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms of axonal outgrowth, and regeneration of neuronal connectivity is reviewed in NDPR vs. more translational, clinical studies related to optic neuropathies, optic nerve injuries, etc. reviewed by PED.


Last updated: 03/06/2025 05:10