
Division of AIDS, Behavioral and Population Sciences DABP
Review Branch:
Social and Community Influences Across the Lifecourse SCIL
Study Section:
Community Influences on Health Behavior CIHB

Dr. Elia Ortenberg serves as Chief of the Social and Community Influences Across the Lifecourse Review Branch (SCIL RB).

Dr. Elia Kwee Ortenberg (formerly: Femia) received her Ph.D. in human development and family studies from the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Before coming to NIH in 2016, she was principal scientist and co-founder of a small business company that designed interventions and technologies to improve quality of life for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. Prior to that Dr. Ortenberg spent over 15 years as a research associate in Penn State University’s Department of Health and Human Development, spearheading research and evaluation of programs and services that alleviate caregiver stress, promote intergenerational well-being, and ease the transition to a dementia diagnosis.


Last updated: 04/19/2024 10:27