Dr. Elyse Schauwecker

Dr. Elyse Schauwecker

Health Science Administrator


Division of Neuroscience, Development and Aging DNDA
Review Branch:
Clinical Neuroscience CN
Study Section:
Acute Neural Injury and Epilepsy ANIE

Brain Injury and Neurovascular DisordersBIND

Dr. Schauwecker received her Ph.D. in the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program at the University of Southern California, where she studied age-dependent modulation of lesion-induced axonal sprouting and hippocampal synaptic plasticity. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Virginia and then moved to the University of Southern California, where she was an associate professor in the Department of Cell and Neurobiology and in the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Before joining CSR in 2015, Dr. Schauwecker spent 18 years at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, where she taught gross anatomy to medical students. Her NIH-sponsored research program focused on understanding the pathological processes that cause epilepsy and the role of genetic, molecular and cellular modifiers of neurodegeneration using the mouse as a model system.


Last updated: 07/11/2024 05:00