Dr. Jodie Fleming

Dr. Jodie Fleming

Scientific Review Officer


Division of Physiological and Pathological Sciences DPPS
Review Branch:
Kidney, Urology, and Digestive Systems KUDS
Study Section:
Environmental Determinants of Disease EDD

Fellowships: Infectious Diseases and Immunology CF07C

Dr. Jodie Fleming received her Ph.D. in animal science at Rutgers University and postdoctoral training in the Laboratory of Mammary Biology and Tumorigenesis at the National Cancer Institute. Prior to joining CSR, she was a tenured Associate Professor at North Carolina Central University and a member of the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. During her tenure in academia, she ran a robust translational research program with the goal of recruiting, training, and retaining women and underrepresented minority students in biomedical research. Dr. Fleming’s research focused on environmental and microenvironmental factors that promote mammary epithelial cell tumorigenesis, as well as identifying molecular and dietary factors that promote breast cancer health disparities.


Last updated: 05/09/2024 10:09