Dr. Laurie Shuman Moss

Dr. Laurie Shuman Moss

Scientific Review Officer


Division of Translational and Clinical Sciences DTCS
Review Branch:
Cancer Diagnosis, Prevention & Therapeutics CDPT
Study Section:
Cancer Biotherapeutics Development (CBD) SBIR/STTR SEP CDPT (12)

Dr. Laurie Shuman Moss obtained her Ph.D. in immunology and infectious disease from Penn State University. She conducted her post-doctoral training at the National Cancer Institute expanding her knowledge of research techniques used in cancer biology. Prior to joining CSR, she worked as a science officer for the Breast Cancer Research Program which supported the Department of Defense’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP). Additionally, she performed duties as a scientific manager during their programmatic review cycle.


Last updated: 12/01/2023 14:24