Lifestyle Change and Behavioral Health – LCBH
The Lifestyle Change and Behavioral Health (LCBH) Study Section reviews applications focusing on the adoption or uptake of health promoting behaviors or lifestyle changes to reduce health risks or to recover from diseases, conditions, or treatments at the individual or small group level. Applications typically use psychosocial and behavioral methods designed to improve well-being, delay disease onset, or to maintain recovery from diseases across the human lifespan. The study section does not review applications using animal models, or studies with a focus on community-level or population-level variables.
Review Dates
- Studies focusing on promotion of healthy lifestyles in individuals (e.g. physical activity, body weight control and maintenance, healthy dietary intake, management of sleep, alternative medicine methods such as yoga and Tai chi, self-care) to reduce risks or delay disease onset, as well as maintaining recovery from diseases including cancer, cardiovascular and diabetic diseases, and other chronic conditions across the life span.
- Studies on cultural adaptations of interventions or approaches to reduce risks and health disparities in diverse populations.
- Studies with relevant applied mHealth and bioinformatic interventions involving individual- or small group-level lifestyle change components, including adaptive designs interventions addressing health promotion and risk reduction.
Shared Interests and Overlaps
LCBH and Biobehavioral Medicine and Health Outcomes (BMHO) have shared interests in using behavioral methods to promote health and reduce disease risk at the individual or small group level. Applications that emphasize the adoption or uptake of behavior change in order to promote health and well-being or reduce health risks are reviewed in LCBH. Applications that emphasize psychological and behavioral approaches integrated with clinical methods to remedy or slow the progression of diseases are reviewed in BMHO
LCBH and Clinical Management in General Care Settings (CMGC) have shared interests in management/self-management of acute and chronic illnesses in general care settings. Applications that emphasize a person-target approach to engage in behavioral changes to promote healthy lifestyles, reduce health risk, or improve wellbeing or quality of life are reviewed in LCBH. Applications that emphasize understanding patient behavior with an intent to guide care management or inform clinical practice are reviewed in CMGC
LCBH and Health Promotion in Communities (HPC) have shared interests in health promotion and moderating health risks. Applications that emphasize behavioral approaches to promote health and prevent or delay the onset of disease at the individual or small group levels through the built environment are reviewed in LCBH. Applications that emphasize community-level interventions to promote health and moderate health risks, including social environment change and policy change are reviewed in HPC
LCBH and Psychosocial Development, Risk and Prevention (PDRP) have shared interests in disease prevention. Applications that emphasize health promotion and moderating health risks in general population are reviewed in LCBH. Applications that emphasize the risks and protective factors related to developmental courses that may contribute to disease prevention (parenting skills, social and emotional developments) are reviewed in PDRP
LCBH and Mechanisms of Emotion, Stress and Health (MESH) have shared interests in sleep studies and their effects on health promotion. Applications that emphasize sleep that contributes to health promotion and disease prevention are reviewed in LCBH. Applications that emphasize how sleep interacts primarily with physical and mental health are reviewed in MESH
There are shared interests in Lifestyle and Health Behaviors (LHB). Applications that emphasize the adoption or implementation of behavioral approaches to promote health at the individual or small group levels are reviewed in LCBH. Applications that emphasize the evaluation of population-level interventions to change lifestyle health behaviors are reviewed in LHB.
LCBH and Human Studies of Diabetes and Obesity (HSDO) have shared interests in the investigation of obesity risk factors. Applications that focus on lifestyle changes and other psychosocial/behavioral methods to identify obesity risks and delay onset of weight related diseases and conditions are reviewed in LCBH. Applications that focus on biological and physiological obesity risk factors are reviewed in HSDO.