The Clinical Informatics and Digital Health (CIDH) Study Section reviews applications that develop, validate, and implement information technology-based approaches/tools for healthcare delivery, clinical decision-support in caring for individual patients, and clinician-patient data sharing. Applications are usually data-centric or scalable health IT interventions, large scale data validation and have clinical utility or applicability to health care by clinicians or precision health. The research areas include consumer health informatics, and mobile/wireless health (mHealth) and biosensor technology for clinical use. Applications reviewed in CIDH often involve the development, feasibility testing with real data and application of computing and informatics technology to be disseminated to clinicians and patients or translating the newly found knowledge from big data analytics to support clinical decisions. Studies that propose the integration of computing, simulation models, and technical software into behavioral interventions, patient services, or other population-based research are generally reviewed in other study sections.

Review Dates

Membership Panel

The membership panel is a list of chartered members only.


  • Studies to develop and validate consumer/patient health informatics for patient management, patient-care giver/clinician communication, and digital analytical tools in making information accessible to patients. Technologies include wireless medical/health devices, telemedicine, medical device data systems, health IT, device software functions such as mobile medical applications, artificial intelligence and machine learning in medical device, and software as medical device.
  • Studies to design, develop, evaluate the feasibility (validation and deployment of a prototype with large data), and implement/disseminate informatics systems on large scale by integrating data/information for consumer health informatics to improve patient and clinical workflow, such as testing and application of clinical informatics.
  • Studies to develop, validate and apply to mobile and wireless health (mHealth); integration of mobile device design, software or smartphone App development; and use of sensor data integrated with clinical data for clinical decision support; use of mHealth or telehealth technology in patient monitoring, patient-provider communications, and adherence to treatment.

Shared Interests and Overlaps

CIDH and Clinical Data Management and Analysis (CDMA) have shared interests in informatics and computing methods and technology to support clinical decisions. Applications that emphasize the clinical utility and development of informatics platforms or evaluation of human-machine interface in the workflow are reviewed in CIDH. Applications that emphasize the development of computing technology, simulation models, and software are reviewed in CDMA.

CIDH and Science of Implementation in Health and Healthcare (SIHH) have shared interests in the use of informatics technology for clinical decision support. Applications that emphasize the development of informatics systems or examine the human-machine interface are reviewed in CIDH. Applications that emphasize implementation strategies to adopt or integrate mHealth or clinical support tools are reviewed in SIHH.

CIDH and Organization and Delivery of Health Services (ODHS) have shared interests in the use of informatics systems to support the organization and delivery of health care services. Applications that emphasize the development of new informatics systems, methods and tools for eventual use to examine physician performance, patient management and the structure of health care organizations are reviewed in CIDH. Applications that emphasize service delivery and the use of existing and validated informatics systems to examine physician performance, provider service delivery, and the structure of health care organizations are reviewed in ODHS.

CIDH and Health Services: Quality and Effectiveness (HSQE) have shared interests in the use of informatics for assessment of healthcare quality and effectiveness related to the receipt of health services. Applications that emphasize the development and validation of informatics systems and tools for eventual translation into health services or examine the human-machine interface are reviewed in CIDH. Applications that emphasize the utilization and integration of previously developed and validated informatics systems to support clinical decision making in health services are reviewed in HSQE.

CIDH, Bioengineering, Technology, and Surgical Sciences (BTSS), and Instrumentation and Systems Development (ISD) have shared interests in wearable physiological monitoring and measurement devices. Applications that emphasize the development of mHealth platforms, integrating biosensor devices with software/App development and sensor data analysis to help with clinical decisions (e.g. monitoring, interactive communication, patient self-care etc.) are reviewed in CIDH. Applications that emphasize translational or clinical evaluation of wearable physiological monitoring and measurement devices in the context of surgical interventions are reviewed in BTSS. Applications that emphasize substantial engineering or hardware component development are reviewed in ISD.

There are shared interests in clinical data analysis from human populations with Analytics and Statistics for Population Research Panels A and B (ASPA/B). Applications that emphasize informatics and computing methodology development using clinical data for clinical decision support and healthcare delivery are reviewed in CIDH. Applications that emphasize the development of this statistical methodology to support epidemiological studies and public health decision making using clinical biological or biomedical data are reviewed in ASPA. Applications that emphasize the development of statistical methodology to support epidemiological studies and public health decision making using clinical behavioral or social data are reviewed in ASPB


Last updated: 08/27/2024 06:10