The recurring SBIR special emphasis panel, Small Business: Social and Community Influences across the Lifecourse (SCIL 10) reviews applications that propose technologies that impact or improve health and well-being at the social, interpersonal, community, and population levels across the lifecourse. These include interventions that address health risk and behavior using inter-personal and community-based approaches, implemented in environments such as the home, schools, worksites, neighborhood, and community (or local, state levels) organizations. Approaches target processes at the social level; for example, at the level of the dyad, (e.g., parent-child, older adult-caregiver), family, peer, community-based provider-patient relationships, and are designed to improve care and prevent disease/conditions of the at-risk person or group.

Review Dates


  • Interventions that focus on social determinants of health and health disparities in community settings. These include technologies that target specific or general environmental factors, health disparities and discrimination, aging-in-place, and underrepresented groups.
  • Interventions delivered at the community level (e.g., peer-to-peer, family, neighborhood, social media etc.) outside of health specific facilities. Interventions mitigate risk behavior and/or prevent onset of disease and conditions, improve subjective/emotional well-being, psychosocial functioning, and quality of life.
  • Technologies that target STEM education and curricula in the health sciences for preK-16, graduate, teacher, para-professional, and lay audiences, including those that reduce educational disparities.
  • Disease, developmental, and environmental issues span a wide range:
    • Health conditions include: Substance abuse, maternal/child health, obesity, nutrition, physical activity, environmental exposure, dementia, psychopathologies, etc.
    • Developmental issues: Social stress, discrimination, inter-personal violence, social and emotional development (e.g., bullying, sexual development), family concerns (childcare, parenting stress, family dynamics), gerontological concerns (e.g., fall prevention, caregiving stress and support), workplace stress, and school-based learning and interventions.
    • Environmental issues: Community assessments, health education and literacy, vaccine hesitation, environmental risk from both natural and built environments, and community safety.
  • Examples of approaches include mobile and e-health apps, educational software, serious games, technologies designed for outreach, health education, and service delivery.

Shared Interests and Overlaps

There are shared interests between Small Business: Clinical Care and Health Interventions (CCHI 10) and SCIL 10 in the study of risk factors, care, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of organ-based diseases and conditions. Applications that address  individual level factors and interventions are reviewed in CCHI 10. Interventions delivered at the dyadic, family, school, neighborhood, and community-based organizations level that address interpersonal or community-level processes are reviewed in SCIL 10.

There are shared interests between Small Business: Health Services and Systems (HSS 10) and SCIL 10 in the study of ways to improve care and delivery and monitoring of disease. Applications that propose technologies that use large datasets to predict, screen, or provide surveillance of disease go to HSS 10. In addition, technologies employed to provide cost-effective or more effective care in a home, hospital, care provider, or other large health care setting are reviewed in HSS 10. Interventions delivered at the dyadic, family, school, neighborhood, and community-based organizations level (non health care organizations) are reviewed in SCIL 10.

There are shared interests between Small Business: Biobehavioral Processes (BP 10) and SCIL 10 in the study of address risk factors, monitoring, management of psychopathological, neurodevelopmental, and other conditions and conditions. Applications whose aims involve individual level risk factors and interventions are reviewed in BP 10. Applications that propose interventions delivered at the dyadic, family, school, neighborhood, and community-based organizations level that address interpersonal or community-level processes (non health care organization) are reviewed in SCIL 10.

There are shared interests between the Molecular and Cellular Sciences and Technologies (MCST 12) and SCIL 10 in the field of environmental monitoring. Applications whose aims involve development of instrumentation, devices and assays for environmental monitoring or remediation are reviewed in MCST 12. Applications whose aims relate to implementation of the device within the community or other environmental level are reviewed in SCIL 10.


Last updated: 02/11/2025 04:31