Scientific Review Officer

The recurring SBIR special emphasis panel, Small Business: Clinical Care and Health Interventions (CHHI 10) reviews applications that propose behavioral and clinical approaches to improve health and management of disease conditions. These include technologies that address biopsychosocial, physiological, and neurological processes across a range of diseases. Interventions employ behavioral strategies that address individual risk factors, including self-care and symptom monitoring to prevent the onset of disease or to provide clinical management and treatment after disease diagnosis.

Review Dates


  • Technologies designed to improve disease diagnosis, clinical management, and behavioral-level treatments that result in improved health outcomes and recovery from the disease/condition OR reduce risk for the disease/condition. Disease conditions may include: Diabetes/kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, pulmonary, addictions, HIV/AIDS, etc. Other health issues may include: nutrition, obesity, maternal health (e.g., pregnancy, post-natal physical), sleep, and pain management. This also includes addiction, substance abuse prevention and treatment at the individual level.
  • Integration of behavioral and psychological approaches with medical/clinical approaches to improve treatment adherence and health.
  • Approaches to reduce stress, distress, or pain and improve quality of life or well-being associated with a range of medical conditions. This also includes improvement of quality of life or physical well-being of caregivers.
  • Clinical management of patients from a provider perspective in general care settings such as the home, ambulatory care, primary care, rehabilitation, supportive, and palliative care.
  • Approaches to improve general health wellness and physical activity/exercise, including mind-body, alternative medicine approaches such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, mindfulness.
  • Examples of technologies and approaches include mobile and e-health apps and platforms, artificial intelligence, assessment instruments, serious games, educational software and curricula, virtual and augmented reality applications, sensors, monitors, and other user-oriented devices.

Shared Interests and Overlaps

There are shared interests between Small Business: Biobehavioral Process study section (BP 10) and CCHI 10 in the study of individual level risk factors, care, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. Applications that propose the development of tools that address organ-based diseases, pain, nutrition, maternal health, addictions, etc. are reviewed in CCHI 10.  Technologies that address psychopathological disorders and neurodevelopmental conditions and rehabilitation are reviewed in BP 10.

There are shared interests between Small Business: Health Services and Systems (HSS 10) and CCHI 10 in the study of ways to improve care and delivery and monitoring of disease. Applications that propose technologies that provide large scale screening, provide surveillance, and target service delivery in healthcare settings are reviewed in HSS 10. Applications that propose tools to address individual risk factors and seek to change human behavior to prevent, treat, or improve recovery from disease are reviewed in CCHI 10.

There are shared interests between Small Business: Social and Community Influences across the Lifecourse (SCIL 10) and CCHI 10 in the study of interventions to address risk factors, monitor health, and manage disease. Applications that propose technologies delivered at the dyadic, family, school, neighborhood, and community-based organizations level that address interpersonal or community-level processes are reviewed in SCIL 10. Applications that address individual level risk factors and interventions are reviewed in CCHI 10.

There are shared interests between the small business panels in the Molecular and Cellular Sciences and Technologies Review Branch (MCST 10, 12, 14, and 15) and CCHI 10 in the development of devices and technologies. Applications are reviewed in MCST if they are related to disease-agnostic diagnostic technologies (MCST-10) classification systems (MCST-14), sensors and imaging devices (MCST-12) and genomics technologies (MCST-15). Applications are reviewed in CCHI 10 if they involve the use of biomedical engineering to influence health risks and behaviors.

There are shared interests between Small Business: Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Oral Sciences (MSOS 10) and CCHI 10 in the study of rehabilitation and human physical health. Applications involving treatment strategies for musculoskeletal, dental, and skin diseases or disorders, including rehabilitation strategies, orthopedic procedures, implants, assistive technologies, and prosthetic devices are reviewed in MOSS 10. Applications related to physical functioning from the perspective of devices for personal medical use and measurement are reviewed in CCHI.

There are shared interests between the Small Business: Imaging, Surgery, and Bioengineering (ISB 11) and CCHI 10 in the study of medical sensing devices. Applications are reviewed in ISB if the aims focus on advanced development and design of biomedical sensing technologies, devices and systems in the context of healthcare and clinical use. Applications are reviewed in CCHI 10 if the aims involve the use of medical sensing devices to influence health risks and behaviors, and for clinical effectiveness.

There are shared interests between the small business panels in Endocrine and Metabolic Systems Review Branch (EMS) and CCHI 10 in the study of disorders related to metabolic and reproductive systems (diabetes, reproductive aging and menopause, obstetrics, neonatology, etc.). Applications are reviewed in EMS if the aims focus on improved therapeutic strategies and bio-engineering approaches for monitoring and studying these disorders. Applications are reviewed in CCHI 10 if the aims involve use of the technology or device to influence health behavior and risk.

There are shared interests between the small business panels in Kidney, Urology, and Digestive Systems Review Branch (KUDS) and CCHI 10 in the study of disorders of digestive, kidney, and urological sciences. Applications that focus on development and evaluation of new techniques, therapies, and treatments are reviewed in KUDS. Applications whose aims are patient-oriented and focus on health behavior and risk are reviewed in CCHI 10.


Last updated: 12/25/2024 04:30