Small Business: Biological Chemistry, Biophysics, and Assay Development – MCST (10)

This special emphasis panel reviews small business applications in the general area of biological chemistry, chemistry, biophysics, and assay development.
Review Dates
- Advancements in instrumentation and methods for bioanalytical and biophysical measurements (e.g. mass spectrometry, magnetic resonance, crystallography, spectroscopy)
- Development of instrumentation and systems for proteomics and protein analysis
- Technological advancements in purification, separations, and large-scale synthesis
- Technologies and methods for high-throughput and high-content applications (not cell-based)
- Immunological, enzymatic, or oligonucleotide sensors and reporters for bioassays and diagnostics
- New technologies for molecular separations and screens, chemical reactions, and molecular detection
- Polymers, membranes, surfaces, or microfluidics for biological separations and assays
- Labels and reagents, molecular probes, reporter systems, and surface chemistries in support of disease-agnostic assay development.
Shared Interests and Overlaps
There are shared interests with Drug Discovery and Development (MBBC (10)). Applications using or refining an assay but more focused on the end-product (drug or therapeutic) may be assigned to MBBC (10). Applications with a focus on the technology/development of an assay may be assigned to MCST (10). Applications focused on protein engineering for drug discovery may be assigned to MBBC (10), whereas applications focused on a protein engineering technology may be assigned to MCST (10). Aptamer chemistry may be assigned to MCST (10), whereas aptamers used in the development of an assay may be assigned to IMST (10).
In the area of assay development, there are shared interests with disease-based or organ-based small business panels. Assays focused on a particular disease or application, such as cancer or immunology, may be assigned to a disease- or organ-based small business panel, whereas fundamental or disease-agnostic assays may be assigned to MCST (10).
There are shared interests with Instrumentation, Environmental, and Occupational Safety (MCST (12)). Applications with a significant engineering component, including point-of-care devices, may be assigned to MCST (12), whereas applications more focused on the assay chemistry may be assigned to MCST (10).
There are shared interests with Cell and Molecular Biology (MCST (15)). Applications developing assays with a cell component may be assigned to MCST (15). Applications developing assays or technologies that are not cell-based may be assigned to MCST (10).
There are shared interests with Innovative Immunology Research (DCAI (10)). Immune markers, immunoassays and use of antibodies may be assigned to DCAI (10), whereas disease-agnostic assay development, biochemistry and protein engineering including antibodies may be assigned to MCST (10).
There are shared interests with Microbial Diagnostics, Detection and Decontamination (DCAI (13)) in the area of assay development. Small business applications that focus on microbial diagnostics may be reviewed DCAI (13) whereas fundamental assay development or disease-agnostic assays may be assigned to MCST (10).
There are shared interests between the small business panels in the Molecular and Cellular Sciences and Technologies Review Branch (MCST 10, 12, 14, and 15) and Small Business: Clinical Care and Health Interventions (CCHI 10) in the development of devices and technologies. Applications are reviewed in MCST if they are related to disease-agnostic diagnostic technologies (MCST-10) classification systems (MCST-14), sensors and imaging devices (MCST-12) and genomics technologies (MCST-15). Applications are reviewed in CCHI 10 if they involve the use of biomedical engineering to influence health risks and behaviors.