Small Business: Drug Discovery and Development – MBBC (10)

This special emphasis panel reviews small business applications in small molecule drug discovery and development, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, protein-based therapeutics, and protein chemistry. The focus is on the development of therapeutics.
The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.
Review Dates
- Synthetic, medicinal, combinatorial, pharmaceutical, natural product, peptide, protein and computational chemistry, including protein engineering, for therapeutic applications
- Purifications, large-scale synthesis, and production of biological molecules, peptides, proteins, or drugs
- Computational approaches to drug discovery
- Assays in support of drug development, including early pharmacological screenings
Shared Interests and Overlaps
There are shared interests with Bioanalytical Chemistry, Biophysics, and Assay Development (MCST (10)). Applications with a focus on the technology/development of an assay may be assigned to MCST (10). Applications using or refining an assay but more focused on the end-product (drug or therapeutic) may be assigned to MBBC (10). Applications focused on a protein engineering technology may be assigned to MCST (10), whereas applications focused on protein engineering for drug discovery may be assigned to MBBC (10). Aptamers used in the development of an assay may be assigned to MCST (10), whereas aptamer chemistry may be assigned to MBBC (10).
There are shared interests with Cell and Molecular Biology (MCST (15)). Applications developing new cell-based technologies and assays may be assigned to MCST (15). Applications using cells for drug discovery or pharmacological screenings may be assigned to MBBC (10).
There are shared interests with Computational, Modeling, and Biodata Management (MCST (14)). Applications that are focused on the general topics of software development for molecular simulations, cheminformatics analysis, and data modeling may be assigned to MCST (14). Applications proposing to apply computational techniques to the discovery and development of new drugs may be assigned to MBBC (10).