Dr. Janita Turchi

Dr. Janita Turchi

Scientific Review Officer


Division of Neuroscience, Development and Aging DNDA
Review Branch:
Integrative and Cognitive Neuroscience ICN
Study Section:
Neurobiology of Motivated Behavior NMB

Dr. Janita Turchi has a Ph.D. in neuroscience and received postdoctoral training in the Laboratory of Neuropsychology at the National Institute of Mental Health; she later served as a staff scientist in the Section for Neural Coding and Computation. Her expertise includes systems and cognitive neuroscience, using classical and molecular neuropharmacological interventions, functional imaging, and behavioral analyses. Dr. Turchi’s work has identified roles for specific brain regions, transmitters and receptor subtypes in both memory formation and reward processing.


Last updated: 12/01/2023 14:24