Fellowships: Physiology and Pathobiology of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems – F10A

F10A reviews fellowship applications for basic and clinical aspects of respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Approaches include clinical studies, animal models of disease, and in vitro studies of the physiology of these organ systems and of their function in health or disease.
The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.
Review Dates
- Organ system physiology, pathobiology and development, including genetic and molecular biological approaches, in cardiac and respiratory systems.
- Experimental models, clinical studies and studies on mechanisms of disease states including: exercise physiology as related to cardiac and pulmonary metabolism, oxygen, contractility, and respiratory function and regulation
- Toxicology
- Neural control of circulation and respiration
- Lipoprotein metabolism in the context of coronary artery diseases
- Effects of immune processes and infection associated with cardiac and respiratory systems.
Shared Interests and Overlaps
There are shared topics with Cell Biology and Development [F05]. Applications which focus on vascular and lymphatic development of cardiac systems may be reviewed in [F10A] where applications investigating more general organ system development may be reviewed in [F05].
There are shared topics with Physiology and Pathobiology of Musculoskeletal, Oral, and Skin Systems [F10B]. Applications involving basic and clinical aspects of cardiovascular and respiratory systems in the context of cardiac contractile function, cardiac hypertrophy, and heart failure may be reviewed in may be assigned to [F10A]; Applications involving tissue engineering, assist devices and/or imaging design, development, testing and implementation of cardiovascular or respiratory systems and have a focus on contractile function in the context of skeletal muscle may be assigned to [F10B].
There are shared interests with Physiology and Pathobiology of the Vascular and Hematological Systems [F10CA]. Applications involving basic and clinical aspects of the vascular and hematological systems may be assigned to [F10CA]. Applications involving basic and clinical aspects of cardiovascular and respiratory systems may be assigned to [F10A].