Fellowships: Genes, Genomes and Genetics – F08

The F08 panel reviews fellowship applications that focus on the genetics and genomics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems and includes broad areas of cell biology that have a nuclear or genetic component.
It encompasses many of the scientific disciplines covered by the Genes, Genomes, and Genetics [GGG] and Cell Biology [CB] integrated review groups.
The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.
Review Dates
- DNA replication, recombination, and repair
- Gene expression and regulation (includes transcription, RNA processing and translation)
- Chromosome functional analysis
- Nuclear organization and transport, and chromatin structure and function
- Epigenetics and complex genetic traits (includes bioinformatics, computational and comparative genetics)
- Evolution, population, and statistical genetics
Shared Interests and Overlaps
Fellowship panels are broad and cover inter-related areas. Assignments are made based on the primary emphasis of the proposed research and topics in several fellowship panels overlap as described below. Final assignments are made by the staff at the Center for Scientific Review to ensure that each application has the appropriate expertise to review it.
There are shared interests with Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, and Bioengineering (F05). Applications with a strong genetic or genomic focus may be assigned to F08, whereas application more focused on cellular processes may be assigned to F05.
There are shared interests with Oncological Sciences A (F09A) in the area of DNA damage/repair, genetics, and epigenetics. Applications that use cancer cells as a model to study normal mechanisms of DNA damage/repair, genetics, and epigenetics may be assigned to F08, whereas applications focused on how these processes are altered in oncogenesis may be assigned to F09A.