Bioengineering, Biodata, and Biomodeling Technologies Review Branch – BBBT

Dr. Vinod Charles
Review Branch Summary
The Bioengineering, Biodata, and Biomodeling Technologies Review Branch is being led by Dr. Vinod Charles. The Review Branch reviews grant applications that focus on fundamental aspects of bioengineering and technology development in the following areas: gene and drug delivery systems, nanotechnology, high-throughput screening, modeling of biological systems, bioinformatics and computer science, statistics and data management, instrumentation, chips and microarrays, point-of-care devices, biosensors, biomaterials, and bioactive surfaces. Biological context is important in bioengineering, and a central premise in organization of this Review Branch is the need for effective review of bioengineering and technology development in early stages before specific practical uses are proven.
Study Sections
- Small Business: Biomaterials, Delivery, and Nanotechnology BBBT (10)
- Nucleic Acid Therapeutic Delivery BBBT (81)
- Biodata Management and Analysis Study Section BDMA
- Biomaterials and Biointerfaces Study Section BMBI
- Drug and Biologic Therapeutic Delivery DBTD
- Innovations in Nanosystems and Nanotechnology INN
- Instrumentation and Systems Development Study Section ISD
- Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems Study Section MABS