The Molecular and Cellular Neuropharmacology (MCNP) Study Section reviews applications related to the neurophysiology, neuropharmacology and neurochemistry of neuronal function and dysfunction with a focus on understanding addiction, stress effects and neuropsychiatric disorders at the cellular and molecular level. Studies involve molecular and cellular mechanisms, circuit analyses, experimental and therapeutic approaches, and drugs of abuse. Both hypothesis-generating and hypothesis-driven research are considered. Studies employ molecular, cellular, biochemical, pharmacological, electrophysical, optogenetic, chemogenetic, viral, transgenic, and imaging techniques and utilize a wide range of model systems.

Review Dates

Membership Panel

The membership panel is a list of chartered members only.


  • Molecular, cellular and circuit analysis of addiction, stress effects, neuropsychiatric disorders
  • The neuropharmacology and neurochemistry of neurotransmitter, neuropeptide, neuroendocrine and neuromodulator regulation as they relate to normal neuronal function and dysfunction and drugs of abuse
  • Neurotransmitter and neuropeptide synthesis and regulation
  • Screening for modulators of neuropsychiatric drugs and drugs of abuse
  • Epigenetic regulation of gene expression and-omics analysis relevant to addiction and neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying experimental and therapeutic approaches to addiction and neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Integration and propagation of electrical signals within the context of normal neuronal physiology and in simple circuit function and dysfunction

Shared Interests and Overlaps

There are shared interests in addiction and psychiatric disorders with Pathophysiological Basis of Mental Disorders and Addictions (PMDA). Applications involving mechanisms of addiction and psychiatric disorders at the cellular and molecular level – including “-omics” data analysis are reviewed in MCNP. Applications that emphasize the broad spectrum of issues related to addiction and mental disorders using in vitro and in vivo approaches and a variety of methods, including cellular and molecular techniques are reviewed in PMDA.

There are shared interests in the molecular mechanisms of complex brain disorders with Molecular and Cellular Biology of Complex Brain Disorders Special Emphasis Panel (ZRG1 MDCN-P 57). Applications that emphasize pain, epilepsy and mood disorders or the mechanisms of action of the psychotherapeutic agents involved are reviewed in MCNP. Applications that emphasize the molecular and cellular mechanisms of such disorders, particularly autism and schizophrenia are reviewed in ZRG1 MDCN-P (57).

There are shared interests in the neurobiological actions of psychoactive and psychotherapeutic agents with Neurobiology of Motivated Behavior (NMB). Applications that primarily emphasize basic molecular and cellular mechanisms of such agents are reviewed in MCNP. Applications that emphasize the action of such agents on behavior and at the system level and the use of molecular, cellular, anatomical and behavioral techniques are reviewed in NMB.

There are shared interests in neuroendocrinology with Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Neuroimmunology, Rhythms, and Sleep (BNRS). Applications that emphasize the molecular and cellular mechanisms of neuroendocrinology are reviewed in MCNP. Applications involving the neurobiological basis of behavior with a focus on neuroendocrinological processes are reviewed in BNRS.

There are shared interests in the role of addiction and drug abuse on normal and disordered cognitive processes with Biobehavioral Regulation, Learning and Ethology Study Section (BRLE). Applications that emphasize the underlying cellular or molecular mechanisms of addiction or abuse are reviewed in MCNP. Applications that emphasize the behavioral aspect are reviewed in BRLE.

There are shared interests in the neurobiology of pain with Neurobiology of Pain and Itch (NPI).  Application that emphasize cellular and molecular mechanisms of substances used to treat these disorders are reviewed in MCNP. Applications that emphasize the neurobiology of pain, analgesia and itch are reviewed in NPI.

There are shared interests in pharmacological and physiological studies of neurotransmitters at the cellular and molecular level with Cellular Signaling and Regulatory Systems (CSRS) Study Section.  Applications focused on the role of neurotransmitter interactions with receptors in understanding normal neuronal function and dysfunction involving addiction, stress, neuropsychiatric disorders, and drugs of abuse are reviewed in MCNP. Applications focused on neurotransmitter interactions with receptors to study signal transduction mechanisms are reviewed in CSRS.

There are shared interests in electrical coupling and neurophysiology with Neuronal Communications (NC). Applications focused on their role in normal neuronal physiology and circuit function and dysfunction are reviewed in MNCP. Applications focused on the role of these in neuronal communication and neural circuitry are reviewed in NC.


Last updated: 02/26/2025 16:18