Human Studies of Diabetes and Obesity – HSDO

The Human Studies of Diabetes and Obesity (HSDO) study section primarily reviews applications related to clinical and translational research associated with prevention and treatment of diabetes and obesity. Interventions may include lifestyle, diet, exercise, pharmacotherapies, behaviors, and surgery. Approaches may include human studies and clinical trials.
Review Dates
- Clinical trials across the life span to evaluate the efficacy of lifestyle (e.g. diet, physical activity, sleep), pharmacologic, biologic, or surgical interventions for prevention or treatment of diabetes and obesity and their metabolic complications.
- Translational studies to understand the mechanisms of interventions for preventing or treating diabetes and obesity.
- Human studies to understand the pathogenic mechanisms of diabetes and obesity, including retrospective studies, secondary data analysis.
- Studies to validate applications of genomics, phenotyping, technologies, and biomarkers or other new outcome measures for therapeutic purpose for diabetes and obesity.
- Studies to investigate the effects of gestational diabetes or maternal obesity on mother/ offspring metabolic health, and the effects of interventions on the metabolic outcomes.
- Effects of central nervous system and behavioral interventions on prevention or treatment of diabetes and obesity.
Shared Interests and Overlaps
There are shared interests with Pathophysiology of Obesity and Metabolic Disease (POMD) in the investigation of pathogenic mechanisms and treatment of diabetes and obesity. Application that utilize cells or animal models to address these interests may be reviewed by POMD, while those that focus on human studies and clinical trials on these interests may be reviewed here.
There are shared interests with Basic Mechanisms of Diabetes and Metabolism (BMDM) in the investigation of metabolic regulation of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Applications that utilize cells or animal models to address these interests may be reviewed in BMDM, while those that focus on human studies and clinical trials on these areas may be reviewed here.
There are shared interests with Nutrition and Metabolism in Health and Disease (NMHD) in the investigation of effects of maternal nutrition on fetal development and metabolic health in offspring. Applications that focus on impacts of maternal nutrition on metabolic health outcomes in offspring (including animal models) may be reviewed by NMHD, while those that focus on the effects of human gestational diabetes or maternal obesity on mother/fetal metabolic health during pregnancy and postnatal stage may be reviewed here.
There are shared interests with Pregnancy and Neonatology Study Section (PN) in the investigation of effects of obesity and gestational diabetes on pregnancy. Applications that focus on understanding the physiology underlying diabetic complications to pregnancy progression, placental/fetal development and clinical obstetric may be reviewed in PN, while those that focus on effects of maternal obesity and gestational diabetes on maternal and offspring metabolic health outcomes may be reviewed here.
There are shared interests in understanding diabetes and obesity with Kidney, Endocrine and Digestive Disorders (KEDD). Applications that emphasize mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of diabetes and obesity are reviewed in HSDO. Applications that emphasize risk or protective factors of diabetes and obesity in human subpopulations are reviewed in KEDD.
There are shared interests with Lifestyle Change and Behavioral Health (LCBH) and Biobehavioral Medicine and Health Outcomes (BMHO) in the investigation of obesity risk factors. Applications that focus on psychosocial/behavioral understanding of obesity risks or weight loss maintenance may be reviewed in LCBH or BMHO, while those that focus on biological and physiological risk factors of obesity may be reviewed here.