Pathobiology of Kidney Disease Study Section – PBKD

The Pathobiology of Kidney Disease (PBKD) study section reviews grant applications involving renal tubular and glomerular cell pathophysiology and translational/clinical studies of kidney diseases including investigations of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of acute and chronic disorders of the kidney as well as the consequences of kidney disease and failure.
Review Dates
- Mechanisms of acute and chronic kidney injury and repair, including acute renal failure and studies of the pathobiology of acute kidney injury transition to chronic kidney disease and renal fibrosis as well as toxic nephropathy.
- Diabetic nephropathy and aging nephropathy. Podocyte biology and its role in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney diseases including diabetic nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome, and proteinuria.
- Polycystic kidney disease, including ciliopathies and ciliary structure of the kidney tubules, and genetic models of polycystic kidney disease.
- Renal tubular and glomerular pathophysiology, renal hemodynamics, and disease resulting from disorders of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base homeostasis.
- Disorders of tubular epithelial and endothelial cells and the pharmacology of associated kidney disease.
- Renal immunology and immune glomerular diseases including lupus nephritis and IgA nephropathy.
- Vascular biology of the kidney and the role of renovasculature in blood pressure regulation and in the development of hypertension. Mechanisms of hypertensive renal injury.
Shared Interests and Overlaps
There are shared interests with Kidney and Urological Systems Function and Dysfunction (KUFD) for studies involving renal physiology and transport mechanisms. Studies that focus on transport mechanisms or their regulation may be reviewed in KUFD, while those that focus on the pathophysiological consequences of aberrant transport may be reviewed here.
There are also shared interests with KUFD with respect to renal hemodynamics, hypertension and salt handling. Studies focused on transport mechanisms and their regulation may be reviewed in KUFD, while those focused on hypertensive renal injury may be reviewed here.
There are shared interests with Integrative Vascular Physiology and Pathology (IVPP). Hypertension studies involving cardiovascular biology, microcirculation, lymphatic and central or peripheral nervous system may be reviewed in IVPP, while studies involving hypertension-induced kidney injury may be reviewed here.
There are shared interests in kidney and urological conditions with Kidney, Endocrine and Digestive Disorders (KEDD). Applications that emphasize the pathophysiology and mechanisms underlying kidney conditions including using animal models are reviewed PBKD. Applications that emphasize the determinants, predictors and biomarkers of kidney conditions in human subpopulations are reviewed in KEDD.
General studies of ciliary structure, function and development are more appropriately reviewed by the Cell Biology (CB) IRG while those that focus specifically in polycystic kidney disease may be reviewed here.