The Cellular, Molecular and Integrative Reproduction [CMIR] Study Section reviews applications concerned with the molecular, cellular, genomic, endocrine, and physiological aspects of reproductive biology in both mammalian and model organism systems. Emphasis is on an integrative experimental approach to elucidate basic mechanisms controlling fertility.

The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.

Review Dates

Membership Panel

The membership panel is a list of chartered members only.


  • Development and function of the male and female gonads (testis and ovary), including the endocrine and cell signaling regulation in these tissues regarding the production of functional gametes, soma-germ cell interactions, and the effect of xenobiotics and environmental factors on male and female reproductive processes.
  • Germ stem cell biology including stem cell niches in the gonads, cellular and molecular processes involved in sex determination; embryonic stem cells, nuclear reprogramming, and epigenetic mechanisms.
  • Differentiation and maturation of male and female germ cells, which includes: the cellular, molecular, genomic, endocrine, and epigenetic mechanisms involved in spermatogenesis and oogenesis; also included is meiosis, reproductive aging in both male and female gametes, and sperm motility.
  • Fertilization, which includes: sperm capacitation, sperm-zona pellucida binding, and sperm-egg fusion; also included are artificial reproductive techniques, cryopreservation of gametes and pre-implantation embryos, male and female infertility, and the identification and role of possible contraceptive targets.
  • Embryo implantation which includes uterine receptivity and initial embryo/maternal tissue interactions; also included is pre-implantation embryo development encompassing zygotic gene activation and epigenetic/imprinting mechanisms.

Shared Interests and Overlaps

There are shared interests with Integrative and Clinical Endocrinology and Reproduction (ICER) in the investigation of signaling pathways that modulate reproductive systems. Applications that focus on the effects of environmental factors or xenobiotics on male and female gonads or developing embryo may be reviewed by CMIR. Applications focused on translational and clinical investigations of effects of environmental toxicants on reproductive organs may be reviewed by ICER.

There are shared interests with Pregnancy and Neonatology (PN) in the investigation of factors that modulate early embryo implantation. Applications that focus on signaling pathways regulating initial uteran/embryo interactions and pre-implantation embryo development may be reviewed by CMIR. Applications focused on post-implantation and trophoblast invasion may be reviewed by PN.

There are shared interests with Development - 1 (DEV1) in the investigation of germ stem cell biology. Applications that focus on differentiation and maturation of male and female germ cells and in sex determination may be reviewed by CMIR. Applications focused on germ stem cells niche and meiosis may be reviewed by DEV1.

There are shared interests with Development-2 Study Section (DEV2) in stem cell biology and early embryo development. Applications that focus on gamete stem cells and early embryo development through blastulation may be reviewed by CMIR. Applications focused on embryo development and somatic stem cell biology in a developmental context may be reviewed by DEV2.

There are shared interests in endocrine disruptors with Environmental Determinants of Disease (EDD). Applications that emphasize the use of xenobiotics/toxicants to alter molecular, cellular, genomic, endocrine, and physiological aspects of reproductive biology in both mammalian and model organism systems are reviewed in CMIR. Applications that emphasize the contribution of environmental toxicants to the etiology or progression of reproductive pathologies are reviewed in EDD.


Last updated: 09/23/2024 06:10