Small Business: Computational, Modeling, and Biodata Management – MCST (14)

This special emphasis panel reviews small business applications in the general area of computation, modeling, and biodata management, with a dominant focus in computational and mathematical sciences.
Review Dates
- Bioinformatics, computational, and systems biology, metabolic and network modeling
- Software and system engineering
- Ontologies, text mining, neural networks, pattern recognition, and expert systems
- Technologies and methods for imaging processing, data analysis, data management, data modeling, and data mining
- Big-data analytics
Shared Interests and Overlaps
There are shared interests with Drug Discovery and Development (MBBC (10)) and Drug Discovery for Aging, Neuropsychiatric and Neurologic Disorders (NV (14)). Applications proposing to apply computational techniques to the discovery and development of new drugs may be assigned to MBBC (10) or NV (14). Applications that are focused on the general topics of software development for molecular simulations, cheminformatics analysis, and data modeling may be assigned to MCST (14).
There are shared interests with Health Services and Systems (HSS (10)). Applications proposing to develop, apply, or refine statistical or technological methods for clinical decision support or that apply biomedical datasets to support clinical decisions may be assigned to HSS (10). Applications in the general area of computation, modeling, and biodata management, with a dominant focus in computational and mathematical sciences, imaging analysis methods, and systems biology may be reviewed in MCST (14).
There are shared interests with Medical Imaging (ISB (10)). Applications proposing to develop software for whole-animal, pre-clinical, and clinical image processing may be assigned to ISB (10). Applications proposing software for high-resolution image processing at a smaller scale may be assigned to MCST (14).
There are shared interests with Microbial Diagnostics, Detection and Decontamination (DCAI (13)) in the areas of quantitative microbial detection. Applications that focus on advancing bioinformatic, computational and modeling technologies for microbial detection may be reviewed in MCST (14), whereas applications that apply existing technologies may be assigned to DCAI (13).
There are shared interests between the small business panels in the Molecular and Cellular Sciences and Technologies Review Branch (MCST 10, 12, 14, and 15) and Small Business: Clinical Care and Health Interventions (CCHI 10) in the development of devices and technologies. Applications are reviewed in MCST if they are related to disease-agnostic diagnostic technologies (MCST-10) classification systems (MCST-14), sensors and imaging devices (MCST-12) and genomics technologies (MCST-15). Applications are reviewed in CCHI 10 if they involve the use of biomedical engineering to influence health risks and behaviors.