Biochemistry and Biophysics of Membranes Study Section – BBM

The Biochemistry and Biophysics of Membranes (BBM) Study Section reviews research applications concerned with all biochemical and biophysical aspects of structure and function of biological membranes and of their constituent lipid and protein components. Coverage includes studies deploying varied biophysical techniques such as NMR, cryo-EM/ET, diffraction studies and theoretical and computational modeling to characterize membrane architectures and folding, assembly, and dynamics of associated proteins at multiple spatiotemporal scales of resolution. Coverage includes molecular mechanisms of neurotransmission and other signaling pathways in cells of excitable tissues. It may review studies that bridge molecular aspects of signaling complex activation, inactivation, pharmacology, and molecular regulation to whole-cell electrophysiology.
Review Dates
- Membrane architecture: lipid-protein interactions, membrane protein folding, assembly, structure, and dynamics.
- Molecular biophysics of membrane interfaces and membrane fusion mechanisms.
- Membrane protein structure determination.
- Computational modeling and theoretical analysis of membrane environments and membrane protein functioning.
- Molecular mechanisms of receptor-based signaling complexes, including GPCRs, 7 transmembrane receptors.
- Transporter and ion channel structure and mechanisms including voltage-dependence, ligand-gating, and ion selectivity properties. Molecular mechanisms of signaling in cells of excitable tissues, including neurotransmission activity.
- Catalysis by integral membrane and membrane surface proteins; membrane-based energy transduction mechanisms. Lipid biochemistry.
Shared Interests and Overlaps
There are shared interests for applications involving macromolecular biophysics and structural biology with Macromolecular Structure and Function A (MSFA) B (MSFB) and C (MSFC). Applications where protein and/or nucleic acid function is heavily dependent upon details of membrane association and membrane molecular properties are reviewed in BBM.
There are shared interests in signal transduction mechanisms with Cellular Signaling and regulatory Systems (CSRS). Applications that emphasize the investigation of structure-function relationships and biophysical mechanisms of receptors and other transmembrane signaling complexes and second-messenger system components are reviewed in BBM. Applications mainly directed toward cellular, pharmacological, and physiological studies are reviewed in CSRS.
There are shared interests in membrane biology with Cellular Structure and Function-1 (CSF-1). Application that emphasize structural and functional analysis of membranes and membrane fusion using biophysical and computational approaches are reviewed in BBM. Applications that emphasize the chemistry, organization and interaction of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids in membrane biogenesis or membrane fusion processes are reviewed in CSF-1.
There are shared interests in ion channels, transporters and receptors with Neuronal Communication (NC). Applications that emphasize structure-function and biophysical properties dictating mechanisms of these components are reviewed in BBM. Applications directed toward the role of these components in neuronal communication and neuronal circuitry are reviewed in NC.