Neurogenesis and Cell Fate Study Section – NCF

The Neurogenesis and Cell Fate [NCF] Study Section reviews applications concerned with the initial formation of cells in the developing nervous system. This includes neural stem cell proliferation, specification, determination, and differentiation in embryonic, postnatal, and adult systems. Also reviewed are studies of the initiation and regulation of the cell cycle in the nervous system, transcriptional and translational regulation of early gene expression, and epigenetic regulation in the context of early development. The emphasis is on fundamental cell and molecular mechanisms in neurogenesis both during normal development and in responses to disease, injury, and extrinsic factors. Model systems include Drosophila, C. elegans, zebrafish, embryonic chick, and transgenic mice as well as slice cultures, dissociated primary cell cultures, and cell lines such as those derived from induced pluripotent stem cells.
The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.
Review Dates
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms of neurogenesis and gliogenesis in normal development, including transcriptional and translational regulation and signaling pathways.
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms which influence the early formation of the nervous system including regionalization of gene transcription, cell-cell interactions, migration, and extrinsic factors that influence determination.
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms of neural and glial stem cell and progenitor cell induction, proliferation, migration, and phenotypic restriction.
- Regulation of the cell cycle in neurons and glia; mechanisms of growth arrest and re-initiation of cell division and differentiation.
Shared Interests and Overlaps
Neurodifferentiation, Plasticity, and Regeneration (NDPR) – There is shared interest in neurodevelopment. Applications focused on early determination in the nervous system as well as neural stem cell biology may be reviewed in NCF whereas applications focused on later differentiation in the nervous system and related aspects of plasticity and regeneration may be reviewed in NDPR.
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Glia (CMBG) - There are shared interests in glial development and cell fate specification. Focus on mechanisms of cell fate determination or glial involvement in stem cell biology and early development may be reviewed by NCF. Focus on broader aspects of glial biology and function may be reviewed in CMBG
Development-1 (Dev1) and Development-2 [DEV2]– There is shared interest in neuronal development with NCF and DEV1 and DEV2.
Biology and Development of the Eye (BDE): NCF and BDE share an interest in retinal development and regeneration. Applications about functional organization of the retina, ganglion cell development, ganglion cell neuroprotection, and cell death in retina are reviewed in BDE. Applications that focus on mechanism of neurogenesis and tissue patterning may be reviewed in NCF.
There are shared interests in neurodevelopment with Developmental Brain Disorders (DBD). Applications that emphasize the mechanisms involved in normal brain development including the use of mouse, as well those involving the use of Drosophila, C.elegans, and other nonmammalian models are reviewed in NCF. Applications that emphasize disease and neurodevelopment disorders are reviewed in DBD.
Cellular Mechanisms in Aging and Development (CMAD) – There are shared interests in development and aging with CMAD. When the focus is on mechanisms and events within the nervous system, the applications may be reviewed by NCF. When the focus is on broader mechanisms involving the whole organism or structures primarily outside the nervous system, application may be reviewed by CMAD.
Clinical Neuroplasticity and Neurotransmitters (CNNT) – There is shared interest in stem cell biology and neurogenesis. Applications with a clinical and translational focus such as neural induction after spinal cord injury and epilepsy may be reviewed in CNNT whereas applications focused predominantly on basic cellular and molecular mechanisms may be reviewed in NCF.
Molecular Neurogenetics (MNG) – There is a shared interest in the mechanisms and function of molecular genetics, including cellular genomics, transcriptional and translational regulation, and epigenetics. When the focus is on the molecular mechanisms of a genetic process, the application may be reviewed by MNG. In contrast, when the focus is on the function or involvement of molecular genetics in neurogenesis or cell fate in the nervous system, the application may be reviewed by NCF.