Emerging Imaging Technologies in Neuroscience – EITN

*Ends after October 2024 council round meetings
Proposals reviewed in EITN cover a range of imaging technologies at different levels of development. The unifying feature of EITN is that an understanding of the nervous system is important for evaluating the science proposed; that is, applications address problems specific to the nervous system, or that are strongly shaped by the structural, biological, and functional characteristics of the nervous system. Discovery science as well as hypothesis-driven applications are reviewed.
Review Dates
- In vivo, ex vivo, histological, structural, functional and molecular imaging in humans, human neural tissues, animals and animal neural tissues. Imaging modalities primarily include MRI, PET, and their derivatives as well as other emerging technologies.
- Contrast probe development for brain imaging
- Creation of imaging database resources; computational approaches and image analysis tools
- Neural network and connectivity mapping; brain atlas creation across multiple modalities and scales
- Mathematical modeling and simulation of neuronal ensembles
- Imaging and modeling of blood flow: cerebral hemodynamics; cerebrovascular contribution to fMRI
Shared Interests and Overlaps
Imaging Probes and Contrast Agents [IPCA] also reviews applications proposing development of probes, tracers, or contrast agents for use in the nervous system or in neurological disease. The applications are generally reviewed in IPCA when the emphasis is on the early steps such as synthesis, candidate identification, tracer characterization, safety, dosing, and preclinical validation. Applications proposing first in human studies for central nervous system targets, or translational applications of new tracers and contrast agents for neuroscience and neurological use would generally be reviewed in EITN.
Emerging Imaging Technologies and Applications [EITA] reviews proposals to refine protocols and optimize imaging systems for specific biological, physiological, and disease targets. If the characteristics of the nervous system are critical to the proposed work, the application will usually be reviewed in EITN. If the emphasis is on development at a level where neuroscience is less central it may be reviewed in EITA.
Clinical Translational Imaging Science [CTIS] reviews developmental imaging proposals in which the work has advanced to the point where testing in humans with clinical outcomes is proposed. When the translational end is neurological, the proposal is likely reviewed in EITN. Non-neurological translational applications are reviewed in CTIS.
Imaging Technology Development [ITD] reviews grant applications that seek to create new imaging technologies or to create new capabilities in existing modalities, sometimes intended for neuroscience problems. When expert knowledge of the nervous system is necessary for evaluating the bioengineering work proposed, the proposal may be reviewed in EITN. Basic engineering for creation of new modalities or new imaging capabilities typically will be reviewed in ITD even if the eventual intended use of the technology is in neuroscience.
Imaging Guided Interventions and Surgery [IGIS] reviews proposals to develop or evaluate new imaging technologies and protocols to target, guide, or control surgeries and medical therapies. Generally, applications to develop an image guided surgical or medical treatment will be reviewed in IGIS, even if the target is a neurological disorder.
Acute Neural Injury and Epilepsy [ANIE] reviews proposals that apply new imaging tools and technologies in the evaluation of neurological disorders such as stroke, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury. ANIE does not review applications focused on new technologies that only use the neurological disorders as an output secondary to the focus on the further development or refinement of the imaging tools. Applications that involve the development of novel imaging tools, technologies and data analytics are reviewed in EITN.
Brain Imaging, Vision, Bioengineering and Low Vision Technology Development [BIVT] reviews proposals that develop brain imaging approaches that primarily use light (e.g. optical or high/super-resolution microscopy, near-infrared spectroscopy, adaptive optics, optical coherence tomography) or sound waves (e.g. ultrasound and photo-acoustic imaging). Applications that focus on radiofrequency waves or radioactive tracers (e.g. MRI, PET, SPECT) are reviewed in EITN.
Noninvasive Neuromodulation and Neuroimaging Technologies [ZRG1 ETTN- 91] reviews proposals that develop or optimize emerging MRI and fMRI brain imaging technologies when used in combination with another modality such as EEG or ultrasound. Otherwise the applications are reviewed in EITN.
Clinical Neuroscience and Neurodegeneration [CNN] reviews proposals that apply neuroimaging technologies to establish biomarkers and treatment of neurological diseases. Applications where the focus is on developing new imaging technologies are reviewed in EITN. Applications that adapt established technologies for their use in disorders are reviewed in CNN.