*Ends after October 2024 council round meetings

The Clinical Neuroscience and Neurodegeneration (CNN) Study Section addresses the mechanisms and management of human chronic neurodegenerative diseases and neurocognitive disorders. The study section focuses on applications to investigate the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and progression of these disorders and/or their functional consequences. It also reviews applications aimed at development of therapeutic strategies to ameliorate functional impairments in chronic neurodegenerative diseases and neurocognitive disorders or biomarkers to predict and monitor disease status. This study section primarily considers patient-oriented research and less frequently clinically-oriented research using mammalian animal models.

The List of Reviewers lists all present, whether standing members or temporary, to provide the full scope of expertise present on that date. Lists are posted 30 days before the meeting and are tentative, pending any last minute changes.

Review Dates

Membership Panel

The membership panel is a list of chartered members only.


  • Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias including mild cognitive impairment (MCI), dementia with Lewy bodies, frontotemporal lobe dementia (FTLD) and vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID)
  • Parkinson’s disease (PD) and other movement disorders (Huntington’s disease (HD), dystonia, dyskinesia, and ataxias).
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and related motor neuron disorders.
  • Neuroimaging (MRI, DTI, MRS, PET and fMRI), molecular, neuropathological biomarkers to assess risk, onset, progression, and treatment response. Cognitive markers to predict, track or characterize disease.
  • Prevention and treatment responses in neurodegenerative and neurocognitive diseases, particularly deep brain stimulation (DBS) for the treatment of PD and transcranial magnetic stimulation for AD or neurocognitive disorders.

Shared Interests and Overlaps

Acute Neural Injury and Epilepsy (ANIE) vs CNN have shared interest in VCID - CNN reviews primarily cognitive decline from clinical neurodegenerative diseases vs. cerebrovascular contributions to cognitive impairment ANIE. While ANIE is the primary site for review of TBI applications, CNN does have some shared interest.

Chronic Dysfunction and Integrative Neurodegeneration (CDIN) vs CNN have shared interest in AD\PD\ALS\HD - experimental and animal models CDIN vs. clinical and human-subject based studies CNN (also imaging-heavy proposals in this context)

CTIS vs. CNN: CNN reviews applications that use neuroimaging (MRI, DTI, MRS, PET and fMRI, etc.), to identify molecular, anatomical or neuropathological biomarkers in the context of investigating risk, onset, progression, and treatment response in neurodegenerative disease. If the application uses established neuroimaging approaches, it is likely to be reviewed in CNN. If the emphasis is on the imaging system or protocol development with initial clinical translational aims where neuroscience is less central, the application may be reviewed in Clinical Translational Imaging Science [CTIS] study section.

Emerging Imaging Technologies in Neuroscience (EITN) vs. CNN: Applications where the focus is on developing new imaging technologies are reviewed in EITN.  Applications that adapt established technologies for their use in disorders are reviewed in CNN. CNN does not review applications focused on new technologies that only use the neurological disorders as an output secondary to the focus on the further development or refinement of the imaging tools. 

Adult Psychopathology and Disorders of Aging (APDA) \ Human Complex Mental Function Study Section (HCMF) vs CNN:  Applications more focused on behavioral and neuropsychology aspects of at-risk/premorbid subjects and normative cognitive aging are reviewed by HCMF, those focused on behavioral and neuropsychology aspects of disorders of aging (e.g., AD and MCI) are reviewed by APDA vs. and those with focus on pathophysiology are reviewed by CNN.

Neurological, Aging and Musculoskeletal Epidemiology (NAME) \ Genetics of Health and Disease (GHD) \ Molecular Neurogenetics (MNG) vs CNN Applications strongly focused on the genomic or transcriptome functions in these disorders are reviewed in MNG and GHD, or larger epidemiological studies focused on epigenetic and genetics, including genome wide association studies (GWAS), are reviewed in NAME.

Aging Systems and Geriatrics (ASG) vs CNN: There are shared interests regarding delirium or cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurocognitive disorders) and the roles of the gut (microbiome) brain axis. ASG is more appropriate when there is focus on the effect of hormones, exercise or diet on the aging brain vs CNN has enhanced expertise on neurological aspects of neurodegenerative diseases.

Clinical Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumors (CNBT) vs CNN: There is some overlap with CNBT when the focus is on immunology/inflammation/demyelination.

CNN vs Clinical Neuroplasticity and Neurotransmitters (CNNT): There is some overlap with CNNT for applications focused on neural function in neurodegenerative disorders. CNNT is more appropriate when the focus is on the physiological/biochemical properties of aberrant neural circuits/neurotransmitter systems, especially in animal models of disease, vs CNN has more expertise on the functional consequences of aberrant neural circuits in neurodegenerative disorders and their modulation to ameliorate functional impairment.

There are shared interests in human chronic neurodegenerative and neurocognitive disease with Neurological, Mental and Behavioral Health (NMBH). Applications that emphasize the mechanisms and clinical management of these conditions, development of therapeutic strategies, and development of biomarkers are reviewed in CNN. Applications that emphasize the determinant and predictors for these conditions in human subpopulations including looking the association of biomarkers with health consequences of neurological disease are reviewed in NMBH. 


Last updated: 05/21/2024 06:10